
Social networking site through the professional career of the Agrarian Faculty

Career guidance work at the department was carried out according to the work plan approved by the dean of the agricultural faculty. Advertising booklets and profession brochures were compiled and distributed during the meeting to graduates of the school and College where it was marked. He organized a meeting with graduates of Kazygurt, Zhetysai and Saryagash districts, invited graduates to study at the M. Auezov school. In order to conduct propaganda, career guidance work was carried out with graduates of new technologies. The department was assigned a school, which is one of the fundamental schools of our city, and Career Guidance work was carried out in the nomination schools. On 27.02.2020, online meetings with graduates and their parents were organized at the secondary school located in Kazygurt, Zhetysai and Saryagash districts. The online meeting was attended by the heads of the University's Career Guidance Department and special representatives of the faculty, who answered various questions that concern graduates. During the meeting, advertising booklets and specialty books of each faculty were presented online. At the end of the course, the school principals expressed their gratitude to the staff of the University and wished success to the graduates, noting that such meetings will continue in the future. During the course, detailed information about the specialties, training courses and the life of students prepared at the M. Auezov educational institution was provided. Consultations were given on the choice of educational institution and specialty, and propaganda work was carried out to study at this university. Next to the corner for preparing for the UNT in the school buildings, a corner for applicants has been placed. There were outstanding propaganda materials, a directory of applicants for 2021 was presented and distributed,a small video clip was shown, and an invitation to study at the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov was announced on behalf of the Department. Each teacher of the department received a list of graduates of the school in which they studied, and their chosen subjects were determined. The numbers of the heads of the graduating classes and graduates of the graduating classes were obtained and communicated with them.

       By order of the rector of the SKSU named after M. Auezov U.K. Bishimbayev in 2003 has been opened on May, 14th the faculty "Agroprofacroty faculty". 80 students studied in the Agroprom Faculty, but then it is being renamed as "Higher School of Agricultural Sciences" and in 2020 january 5 it was renamed as Agrarian faculty and now it has 1500 students.

      In 2014, on August 29, the Academic Council was instructed by the rector of SKSU Zh.U.Myrhalykov. Agroprom faculty corresponded to all school standards and was transferred to the "Highest sciences of the agricultural sciences". There are 1 academician, 8 doctors of sciences, professors, 51 candidates of science associate professors, 2 winners of the state award, 3 school leavers and 16 international scholarship holders Bolashak. The best school is a science-intensive association with research companies and production cooperatives in Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Mongolia.

Near the building of the faculty in 2012-2013 for the "Agronomy" built a greenhouses, and the department "Veterinarian Medicine" 6В09110-closely related to the agricultural and veterinary departments of Shymkent. 2014 May 15, specially for higher education built a base in Tulkubas, settlements of Jaskisu and Kainarbulak built an agricultural complex. Thus, students are practicing in enterprises. Some are located in SKO.
The students of the faculty school are: Chebnaya, industrial, clinical and pre-diploma practice in educational bases and in enterprises, such as LLP "Оңтүстік-Батыс мал және ісімдік ғылых сирттеу institutes", LLP "Sayram sүt", LLP "Food Master" "Ontustik kus" LLP, South Kazakhstan Veterinary Laboratory Shymkent, "Ordabasy-Kus" LLP, "Nur-Ay" LLP Shymkent, "Sapaly Onim" LLP Shymkent, MKK "Veterinary help" Shymkent. All conditions for students, for their theses and for their scientific research are created here. Students of the 1-4 courses of higher education take prize places every year in the teams of the Olympiad, which is held in KazNAU.

On academic mobility, students of the Higher School: AP-14-7k1-Tourar B.-29. 08. 2016 (v semester) № 602 of the order of Astana, Kaz. Agrar University:, AP-14-7k2-Karatay A. August 31, 2016g. (v semester) № 608 order in Poland, Szczecin west pololsky technological university get the knowledge of the student 6В08510- "Agrarian technology and technology" Yusupova Milan. Krokov. In Poland, she was educated in academic mobility at the University of Hugo Kolonaya.

      In the Republican LLP Eurasia GHOUP Kazakhstan; "Technique John-Deer Kazakhstan" is a student-research conference in which students were awarded with certificates and the company "Djon-Deer" in Germany was invited to work "National Agency for Technology Development" (NATR) together with the Ministry of Development and Investment of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized a seminar where the assistant professor of the chair Manabaev.N, together with the student Manabaeva N. participated in the competition and became the holders of the certificates. N. "UMNO-4/1" was awarded a diploma in the 5th international exhibition AgriTekShymkent 2016 student of the group AP-15-3k Sultan Anel for active participation in "Zhasyl El" was awarded diplomas with a certificate in 100,000 tenge.

From the stories of the Agrarian faculty: a graduate of the department "Cadastre" -Dzhakaliyeva A: she works in Al-Farabi district akimat as the leading specialist, graduate of the same department, Kozhamsugirov D., who graduated with red diploma works in Tolebi district akimat, Specialist: Mombekova GM is a leading specialist in the real estate center in the Arys branch. Graduates of the department "Agrotechnology" on the specialty of Agronomy Belgibev E., Halyk A., work as agronomists in LLP "Amangeldy".

Sagidula M.- works as an agronomist at the Agrarian University named after S.Seifullin. Graduates of the specialty "Soil Science and Agrarharchy" Taybek Zh. Works in the inspections of the Ministry of the Selbske masters. Graduates of the Department of Veterinary Medicine: Ashirbayev U. works as the head of the Respublican Veterinary Lab in Astana; Utelbayev A head of the serological department of the veterinary laboratory of Kyzylorda; S. Makhozhanova, Head of the Veterinary Laboratory, Ospanov N.-
Head of the Department of Agriculture of the SKO; S. Bayzakova-head of the department of "Youth Policy" in the akimit of SKO; Azhimuratov K.-Head of the Veterinary Department; Zhunisova A.-head of the veterinary laboratory laboratory. We can say with certainty that our graduates are investing their knowledge in the development of our Motherland.

3. Specialties of higher education         

The faculty trains 9 specialists in accordance with the international standard of education in the university         





profile subject


profile subject
Place in the national rating





1st place



6В08210- Technology of animal products


5th place



6В08610 - Water resources and water use


1st place



6В08510 - agricultural machinery



II place



6B08120 - "Soil science and agrochemistry".


1st place




6В07350 - Land management




II place




6В07360 - Cadastre
III place


6В09110 - Veterinary medicine
1st place


9 6B07330- Water supply, water disposal and water protection physics

1st place



4. Departments of faculty:
        The structure of faculty has 4 departments:
        Department of Plant growing and animal husbandry
        The department "Plant growing and animal husbandry" in the structure of the agro-industrial faculty was opened by the order of the rector of SKSU named after M.Auezov from September 14, 2005. The department trains personnel in the following specialties:

        6В08110 - «Agronomy»,  6В08120 - "Soil Science and Agrochemistry". It is difficult to overestimate the role of our department in training specialists in various fields in one of the priority spheres of the country's economy: the agro-industrial complex (livestock, crop, agronomy, etc.). Here there is a powerful teaching staff: 3 doctors of science, professors (one of them is a laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan), 13 candidates of science.         The contingent of students is growing every year. At present 426 students are trained at the department, 98.8% of them are on the state educational grant. Settlement: 42%. Department of Animal Products Technology

By order of the rector of SKSU. M. Auezova U.K. Bishishbaeva May 14, 2003. At the Agro-Industrial Faculty, the department "Agrotechnology" was established, and in 2005, the department "Veterinary medicine and zootechny" was separated, and in 2011 the department "Technology of production of livestock products" was formed. During these years the chair was: Kozhaly BK, Eshibaev A., Kupeshov T., Zharasbayev SA, Asylbekov B.Zh. Kantingent students on full-time training in 2016-2017 at. is 158 students in the specialty 5B080200 - "Technology of production of livestock products." They are trained in equipped auditoriums, lecture halls and training bases of the department. NIRS is conducted in the laboratory to analyze the quality of feed and products. Settlement:: 77%.

 Chair Water resources, land use and agricultural technology         In 2013-2014 academic year the decision of the Academic Council of the University of August 28, 2013. (Order No. 234 of August 28, 2013), two departments "Water Resources and Water Use" and "Cadastre, Land Management and Agricultural Engineering" were merged and formed the Chair "Water Resources, Land Management and Agricultural Technology". 5B080600-         31.08.2016. (v semester) № 608 order in Poland, Szczecin zapadnopololsky technological university get the knowledge of the student 5В080600- "Agrarian technology and technology" Yusupova Milan. Krokov. In Poland, she was educated in academic mobility at the University of Hugo Kolonaya. In the Republican LLP Eurasia GHOUP Kazakhstan;

"Technique John-Dirv Kazakhstan" is a student-research conference in which students were awarded with certificates and the company "Djon-Dir" in Germany was invited to work "National Agency for Technology Development" (NATR) together with the Ministry of Development and Investment of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized a seminar where the assistant professor of the chair Manabaev.N, together with the student Mnabaeva N. participated in the competition and became the holders of the certificates. N. "UMNO-4/1" was awarded a diploma at the 5th international exhibition AgriTekShymkent 2016 student of the group AP-15-3k Sult Anelden for active participation in "Zhasyl El" was awarded diplomas with a certificate in 100,000 books.

 In 2013-2014 academic year the decision of the Academic Council of the University of August 28, 2013. (Order No. 234 of August 28, 2013), two departments "Water Resources and Water Use" and "Cadastre, Land Management and Agricultural Engineering" were merged and formed the Chair "Water Resources, Land Management and Agrotechnics". Number of grades: 37%.         Department Veterinary Clinical Diagnostics

Specialty "Veterinary Medicine" was officially opened in 2003, that is 13 years ago, and over these years it has passed not only a big but also a difficult creative way of growth and development. The first head of the department was Associate Professor Kozhaly B.K. In the following years, he was in charge of the department, Kupeshov T., Zharasbayev SA, from the academic year 2011-2012 the department was headed by Tutkyshbay IA, Berdikulov MA, Tulemetova S.E. ., Mutaliev A.M. And now, in connection with the increase in the number of students trained since the academic year of 2014, according to the university order, the Department of Veterinary Medicine was divided into two departments: 1) The Department of Veterinary Clinical Diagnostics.

2) Department "Pathology of animals." Head of the department "Veterinary Clinical Diagnostics" candidate of agricultural economics, associate professor Tulemetova S.Е.
        As a result of the competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences Ilyasov B. (2012) became the owner of the state grant "The Best Teacher of the Year".
        At the first stage, at the newly opened faculty, graduate students of agricultural workers worked as teachers. universities, most of which have gone through good production training and experience.
        In the following years, the teaching staff of the Department of Veterinary Medicine began to replenish at the expense of the graduates of SKSU named after M.Aeuezov.
        Settlement: 34%.

Department of Pathology of Animals         2014 academic year by the order of the rector of the university, the department "Veterinary Medicine" is divided into two departments 1. "Animal Pathology" 2. "Veterinary Clinical Diagnostics". The chair "Pathology of Animals" was headed by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Turymbetov B.S.         At the moment, 18 teachers work at the Department of Animal Pathology, including. 2 professors, including 1 Doctor of Science and Sciences, 1 Doctor of Biological Sciences, 4 Candidates of Science, including 1 assistant professor and 1 Master of Biology.

In order to increase the mobility of specialists with the financing of the European Union, starting in 2012, work has begun on the formation of a unified educational program for the countries of Central Asia and Kazakhstan under the Tempus-EPASAT project.         Ph.D., Associate Professor Tutkyshbay IA, 2010-2011 academic year became a Bolashak Scholar, and underwent a scientific internship at the Hohenhein universiteat University in Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany.         Degree: 39%

5. Material resources of higher education

  1-photo, Lactene 1-4 (for the determination of SOMO, box water and fat content of milk).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


2-photo Microbiological (for working with microbes and bacteria). 




                                                                                                                             3-photo Autoclave (for                                                                   
                                                                                                                     sterilization of chemical dishes)                                                 


4-photo Minigem-540- (for  determination of hemoglobin in the blood).

5-photo PH - meter (for Determination of acidity (TW-2, equipment, and PH water)

6 photos Water bath for conducting  chemical reactions)

7-photo  Distilator AN-59 (for determination    air pollution)


8-photo drawing cabinet

9-photo laboratory table


10-photo Electronic scales 


11-photo Trichinelloscope 


6. Dormitory of the faculty:

1-photos of student hostels

2-photos dining in the dorms


3-photos Reading room


4-photos Assembly Hall

5-photos Sport hall


6-photo concert events in the assembly hall 

7-photo volleyball competition between the students

7. Student life:


1-photo planting of tomato seedlings by interderminite "Baisugokh"

2-photo Fertilization with the morphology of vegetable crops

3-photo winner of the first place in the wrestling inter Republik competition Kozhageldi N from the group  AP-17-6r

4-photo during the sporting event

5-photo Docent M.Zhanbyrbaev "Pathologic intensive care units for livestock"

6-photo Chapter "Veterinary Clinic" prepared hyperspiral polyvalent plasma anti - inflammatory diseases of the gingival leptospirosis.

7-photo curator hour on educational work and youth policy

8 -photo K.v., associate professor Tutikbay IA, studied postgraduate program "Bolashak" at Hohenhein Universiteat University in Germany.

9 - photo Laureate of the Presidency, Ph.D. Nuraliev.S d.w.n. Professor Ilisov BK In the veterinary clinic in the scientific-research work.


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