Attracting young people to work in the state service
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South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov in the assembly hall of Agroindustrial faculty In the 9th building was held an interesting meeting with graduates of our faculty on theme “ Attracting young people to work in the state service” wich was attended by the following guests:
Chief Inspector of Shymkent Akimat , employee Individual apparatus Akshav M.O
Head of the Agricultural Departament of Shymkent and veterinary of the agricultural sector Zhubanov T.S.
Head of the agricultural and veterinarian sector Togai Zh.
The chief specialist of land cadastre of Shymkent Arynova G.
Deputy of Architecture and Building Departament of Shymkent Kenzhalin S.
Deputy of social work programs and ensure Departament Yertayev A.N
An interesting and useful dispute was conducted with them.