Domestic partners, practical training bases, training scientific industrial complexes
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Practice and Educational-Scientific-Production Complex Bases for the 2024-2025 Academic Year of the “Water Resources, Land Use, and Agricultural Engineering” Department for the following educational programs:
- 6B08610 – “Water Resources and Water Use”
- 6B08510 – “Agricultural Engineering and Technology”
- 6B07350 – “Land Management”
- 6B07360 – “Cadastre”
- 6B07330 – “Water Supply, Sewerage, and Water Resources Protection”
Practice and Educational-Scientific-Production Complex Bases:
- Republican State Institution “South Kazakhstan Hydrogeological-Meliorative Expedition” under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- LLP “Water Resources-Marketing”.
- Turkestan Branch of the Republican State Enterprise “Kazvodkhoz” under the Water Resources Committee of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology, and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- “Su Metrology” Branch of the Republican State Enterprise “Kazvodkhoz” under the Water Resources Committee of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology, and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Shymkent Branch of LLP “Su Arnasy-5S” under LLP “Water Resources-Marketing”.
- LLP “Vodokanal 1”.
- LLP “Vodokanal 2”.
- Department of Architecture, Urban Planning, and Land Relations of Shymkent City.
- Shymkent City Branch of JSC “Government for Citizens” Public Corporation.
- Turkestan Region Branch of JSC “Government for Citizens” Non-profit Joint Stock Company.
- LLP “Ulmad”.
- LLP “Kazyna Project Kz”.
- LLP “Garant” Independent Appraisal Company.
- LLP “Shanyrak XXI”.
- LLP “Kazstroy-7”.
- Department of Land Resources Management of Shymkent City under the Land Resources Management Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- LLP “Ontustik Zem Kadastr”.
- LLP “Yugzemproekt”.
- LLP “Nurly Zher 2030”.
- Republican State Enterprise “Republican State Urban Planning and Cadastral Center” on the right of economic management.
- LLP “Geostroy SM”.
- LLP “Asad Kurylys”.
- State Institute for Land Survey and Protection Work under the Land Resources Management Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- LLP “Ontustik Zher”.
- LLP “Kazbelttekhnika”.
- LLP “Raman-Agro”.
- LLP “Ontustik Agro Group”.
- LLP “Gran Agro”.
- LLP “Murager OS”.
- Production Cooperative “K. A. Yassawi”.
- LLP “Kaz Geo Zhoba”