Educational work

The department "Water resources, land use and agricultural" educational work carried out according to the plan in the following areas of education:
1  Organizational work
2  Civil-patriotic and legal education
3  Spiritual and Moral Education
4  Professional and labor education
5  Formation of religious tolerance
6  Physical education and promotion of healthy lifestyles
7  Environmental Education
8  The development of intellectual and communicative culture
9  Cultural and aesthetic and multicultural education
10The development of the student government and youth initiatives


Report of the educational work of the Department "Water resources, land use and agricultural engineering" for the first half of the 2020-2021 academic year

Information about academic groups in the specialties 6B08610, 5B080500-water resources and water use, 6B08510, 5B080600-agricultural machinery and technology, 6B07350, 5B090300-Land management, 6B07360, 5B90700-Cadastre at the Department of "Water Resources, Land Use and Agricultural Engineering" of the Faculty of Agriculture, including students studying on grants, on a paid basis.
The Department of" Water Resources ,Land Use and Agricultural Engineering " has 407 students. Of these, 362 are trained on educational grants, the remaining 45-on a paid basis, 16 foreign citizens are trained on a paid basis.
The total number of academic groups is 40, including
Kazakh groups-26;
abbreviated groups-1.

According to the results of the 2020-2021 academic year, the department completed work in the following 10 areas.
1  Organizational work
2  Civil-patriotic and legal education
3  Spiritual and Moral Education
4  Professional and labor education
5  Formation of religious tolerance
6  Physical education and promotion of healthy lifestyles
7  Environmental Education
8  The development of intellectual and communicative culture
9  Cultural and aesthetic and multicultural education
10The development of the student government and youth initiatives

1. Organizational work.
1.) Protocol No. 1 28. 08. 2020g. in the 1st half of the academic year for students of the department group, group mentors and mentoring hours for some shift groups were considered and approved at a meeting of the department. As well as drawing up a schedule of inspections of the educational work of the department, monitoring and monitoring the progress of educational work carried out by mentors (emergency plan, individual plans, journal of mentors, hours of mentors are performed according to the schedule. The teaching staff of the department, deputy deans of the faculty and heads of departments congratulated the 1st year students on the "Day of Knowledge", mentors were represented in groups, group leaders were appointed, and they were introduced to the internal regulations of the university.
2.) Protocol No. 1 of 28.08.2020. the senior mentor of the department and the head of the department appointed mentors of academic groups and held a week of familiarization of 1st year students with the mentors of groups, with the hours of mentors and the schedule of classes.
3.) Protocol No. 2 of 25.09.2020. Message of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan" Kazakhstan in new conditions: the period of action " in the faculties, in the higher schools of the university, propaganda was carried out online. Group AP-17-4tk, mentor of the group Seidirov n
4.) Protocol No. 2 of 25.09.2020 on the topic "my profession is my pride" meeting with the heads of enterprises with the group of the 4th course unscheduled events.
5.) Protocol No. 2 of 25.09.2020 on the program "Bolashakka bagdar-rukhani zhangyru", proposed by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Hours of mentors were held among the students of the group.

2. Civil-patriotic and legal education.
6.) Protocol No. 2 of 11.09.2020 held an online event on the topic "Tauelsiz eldin tugyry-Ata zan", dedicated to the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Group AP-19-5k, mentor of the group Urazbekova M.
7.) Protocol No. 2 of 18.09.2020. open hour of the mentor on the topic "knowledge of the law-the requirement of time" AP-19-4K Nurmasheva G., AP-19-4tc Abashev M., performed among groups.
8.) Protocol No. 3 of 09.10.2020 the educational hour on the topic "formation of intolerance to manifestations of corruption, its prevention and fight against it" was carried out in all groups.
9.) Protocol No. 4 25. 11.2020 organized and held an online event dedicated to the Teacher's Day. Group AP-17-4k, mentor Ermakhanov N. N.
10.) Protocol No. 3 of 19.10.2020. within the framework of the program article" Bolashakka bagdar-rukhani zhangyru", an online open mentoring hour was held on the topic" Ustaz-urpak tiregi". Group AP-17-4p, mentor of the group Sultanbekov P.
11.) Protocol No. 5 of 10.12.2020 on the topic" Zheltoksanym-Tauelsizdik tiregi " the mentor of the group 17-4tk Seidirov N. together with the group held an open online educational hour on the ZOOM platform.

3. Spiritual and moral education.
12) Protocol No. 3 25. 10.20120. organization of events on the topic" Memlekettik ramizder-Memleket mereyi", conducting mentoring hours online at the department were held among academic groups.
13) Protocol No. 3 of 12.10.2020. In order to strengthen family values, online open mentoring hours were organized. Group AP-20-3k, mentor of the group Esembai M.
14) protocol No. 4 of 12.11.2020, an open mentoring hour was held on the topic: "morality is a noble quality of a person". Group AP-20-4k2, mentor of the group Meirbekova A.

4. Professional and labor education.
15) Protocol No. 2 of 04.09.2020. a solemn festive event dedicated to the Day of Knowledge was organized by the head of the Department" Water Resources, Land Use and Agricultural Engineering " online with the participation of students of all 1st courses.
16) Protocol No. 2 of 19.10.2020. the university and academic groups celebrated the holiday "Labor Day" online.AP-19-3k group, mentor of the group K. Baymakhanov
5. building religious tolerance
17) Protocol No. 4 of 25.11.2020 in the direction of " prevention of religious extremism and terrorism ", an online event was held with the participation of 1st-year students. 1 course academic groups, group mentors.
6. physical education and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.
18) Protocol No. 3 25. 10.2020. the meeting of students with representatives of health authorities was organized in all academic groups of the agrarian faculty online. The topic of "The AIDS epidemic"was touched upon.
19) Protocol No. 5 of 07.12.2020. documentary video on the topic" Drug addiction " among academic groups, the hours of mentoring of group mentors were performed unscheduled.
20) Protocol No. 4 25. 11. 2020 held an online open educational hour on the topic: "Promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the fight against drug addiction".Group AP-18-3k, mentor of the group Manabaev n.

7. Environmental education
21) Protocol No. 2 of 25.09.2020, an unscheduled educational hour was held with students of the specialty 6B08610-water resources and water use on the topic "Youth supports environmental safety".

8. Development of intellectual and communicative culture
22) Protocol No. 4. 04.11.2020 within the framework of the program "Bolashakka Bagdar-Rukhani zhangyru" put forward by the head of state N. Nazarbayev, an online scientific conference was organized to increase the interest of students in public and scientific circles.

9. Cultural-aesthetic and multicultural education.
23) Protocol No. 3 of 25.10.2020.Events dedicated to the holiday of the languages of the people of Kazakhstan of the Republic of Kazakhstan were held online.

10. Development of student self-government and youth initiatives.
24) Protocol No. 5 of 07.12.2020. In order to conduct the campaign" Youth against corruption"," session without corruption", according to the plan, hours of mentors were held among academic groups.
25) Protocol No. 4. 25. 11. 2020. hours of mentors were held on the topic: "One country, one fate, one Elbasy".

          For contribution to the education of youth in the spirit of patriotism and active public activity, senior curator of the Department "Water resources, land use and farming" Abashev Murat M. received letter of  appreciation from Vice-rector for social and educational work of the M. Auezov, S. Majibekov.


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