Scientific and research work

"Agrarian" faculty
in the research work of the Department of Plant Growing and animal husbandry" for the 2021-2022 academic year
1, In the current academic year, research work on the state budget is carried out on 5 (five) topics, divided into several stages. The work is led by well-known scientists, such as: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professors: Raisov B.O., Asylbekov B.Zh., Kanseitov T., associate professors: Myrzabaev B., Elibaeva G.I., Zhylkybaev A. TO. and etc.
2, In the 2021-2022 academic year, the department is implementing two research projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
2.1 "The introduction of perennial wheat into the culture of agriculture for the conservation and conservation of biodiversity and soil fertility in the south and southeast of Kazakhstan." According to the scientific project of commercialized financing of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2023, Together with the teachers of Al-Farabi Kazakh State University. term 2021-2023 the amount of financing is 6 million 520 thousand tenge. (in research work: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Raisov B.O., Associate Professor Murzabaev B. and others).
2.2 "Space monitoring and GIS for quantitative assessment of soil salinization and degradation of agricultural land in southern Kazakhstan." research work is being carried out in the southern part of the city together with the Republican State Enterprise "Institute of Informatics and Electrical Engineering" in Almaty. study period 2021-2023 the amount of funding is 30.0 million tenge. (Participants in research: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Raisov B.O., Associate Professor Murzabaev B., Ph.D., Zhylkybaev A.K., Alzhanov E., etc.).
3, In the reporting year, the department conducts research work on various programs and economic agreements:
LLP "South-Western Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Plant Growing", acting in accordance with this charter, General Director Azhimetov Nurzhan Nurmahanbetovich signed an agreement with the Chairman of the Board of the company Seydazim Yeraliyev.
4, In the 2021-2022 academic year, a number of scientific articles were published based on the results of research:
- number of scientific articles - 53, scientific articles vak - 2; RSCI -13., international conferences - 29; other articles - 9 published.
5, Based on the results of research work at the department in 2021, under the guidance of Professor Asylbekov B. Zh., a scientific monograph was published on the topic: "Comprehensive research on the restoration of agricultural resources and the assessment of the quality and safety of livestock products."
6, Senior lecturer of the department, candidate of agricultural sciences Fayzullaeva L.A. received a certificate of completion of the online training course on the program "Blended Learning Technology": Certificate 00982 (mutual learning) June 22-August 18, 2021 (84 hours).

In the 2019-2020 academic year, the research work is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the SKU named after M. Auezov "The 75th anniversary of SKU in the direction of spiritual revival on the stage of history in golden letters" for participation in the 22nd student scientific conference took their places
I - Sharbek B.S.
II - Begalieva A
II - Utey A
III - Omirbek A.Zh.
III - Іңkәr A
III - Kadirkhan E
Tolen Zhansaya, a student of group 18-1k1, won for participation in the conference of the faculty.
1. In the X Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialty 5B080800 Agronomy 1. Abdukhaimova Sh.N., Zhetpis Zh.Zh., Mergenbai N.N. Head Raisov B.O. He finished second.
2. Student Turegabylova YK, who took part in the annual republican competition of scientific research work of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. - Awarded a Letter of Gratitude as a participant in the "Best Student of the Year" competition for inclusion in the republican collection "Zhas Kyran".
3. The 22nd scientific-practical conference of students "Great steppe youth - the future and future of science"
I - Tulen J.J.
II - Asheraliev E.
II - Omirbek A.Zh.
III - Mergenbai N.
III - Medet R.
III - Ergeshbaeva L.
2020-2021 year
“Student scientific and practical conference of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.А. Nazarbayeva: "30 years of creativity and accelerated development" South Kazakhstan University - XIV - "took the places
1.I - Zhursinbek B
2.II - Saydazimov A
3. II - Khalyқ A
4.III - Ogalbai E
5. III - Sansyzbay A oryndaryn Ielendі.
6. Nomination "Zhas Kalym" - Alil A
7. Nomination "Izdenpaz student" - Keges B.
8. Nomination "Belsendi student" - Babanazar B

At the XXIV student scientific conference "Youth of the eternal country - the guarantee of independence"
1. I - Begalieva A.
2.II - Sultangali A.
3.II - құlіқұl A.
4.III - Ergeshbaeva L.
5.III - Akylbek D
6. III - Nurkazieva B.
7. Nomination "Zhas Kalym" - Alipbek A, Saymasay S., Lespek M.A.
8. Nomination "Izdenpaz student" - M. Dauyl
9. Nomination "Belsendi student" - Sydyk D
10. Nomination "E uzdik bayandamashy" - Zhursinbek 

Academic groups in the specialty 5B080100 - "Agronomy", 5B080800 - "Soil science and agrochemistry", 6B08210 - Technology of animal husbandry are trained at the Department of Crop and Livestock Breeding of the Faculty of Agriculture. 391 students study at the department.

Of these, 389 study on grants, the remaining 2 on a paid basis. The total number of academic groups is 33, including
• Kazakh groups - 26;
• Russian-6;
• reduced groups-1.
At the end of the 2019-2020 academic year, the department completed work in 10 areas.
1. Organizational work.
2. Civil, patriotic and legal education.
3. Spiritual and moral education.
4. Professional and labor education.
5. Formation of religious tolerance.
6. Formation of physical culture and healthy lifestyle.
 7. Environmental education
 8. Development of intellectual and communicative culture.
9. Cultural, aesthetic and multicultural education. 
10. Development of student self-government and youth initiatives.
1. Organizational work.
1.) Minutes No. 1 dated 28.08.2019. In the first half of the academic year, group mentors and mentoring hours for groups of students in separate shifts were reviewed and approved at a meeting of the department. Also, the department has developed a schedule of inspections of educational work, control and monitoring of educational work of mentors (emergency plan, individual plans, mentoring journal, mentoring hours on schedule. 1.) Minutes No. 1 dated 28.08.2019. In the first half of the academic year, group mentors and mentoring hours for groups of students in separate shifts were reviewed and approved at a meeting of the department. Also, the department has developed a schedule of inspections of educational work, control and monitoring of educational work of mentors (emergency plan, individual plans, mentoring journal, mentoring hours on schedule. According to the order approved by the Ministry of Agriculture, the teaching staff of the department approved the schedule of duty on the dormitory №5. Meetings of mentors were held at the meeting of the department.
2.) Minutes No. 1 dated 28.08.2019. The senior curator of the department and the head of the department appointed curators of academic groups, introduced the freshmen to the mentors of the group, and also got acquainted with the hours and schedules of the mentors for a week.
3.) Minutes No. 4 dated 28.11.2019. Publication of articles on educational work in the media. An article in the university newspaper on the theme "Long live the old people" was executed unscheduled.
4.) Protocol No. 1. On 28.08.2019, at the suggestion of the department, public works were carried out at the university in order to increase the number of students participating in public creative and sports sections.
5.) Protocol No. 1. On 28.08.2019, in accordance with the order of the graduates of the department, the duty of the teaching staff of the department was organized in the hostel.
7.) Protocol No. 2 09/26/2019 on the topic "Humanity is a noble human quality" with the mentor of the AP-16-1k3 group N.Sh. Esmahan held a round table outside of the schedule.
8.) Minutes No. 2 On September 26, 2019, unscheduled meetings of enterprise managers with AP-17-1dk1.3 groups on the topic "My profession is my pride."
9.) Protocol No. 2 26. 09. 2020 President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. According to the program "In the focus of the future - spiritual renewal" proposed by Nazarbayev, a group of students held a round table with mentoring hours.
2. Civil, patriotic and legal education.
10.) Minutes No. 1 dated 28.08.2019. A festive event dedicated to the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the theme "Independence is the basis of the law" was held among academic teams in the assembly hall of the secondary school in accordance with the approved schedule of the department.
11.) Minutes No. 3 26.10.2019 AP-19-1k1 1k2, 1k3 for Teacher's Day "My teacher is my teacher" "The celebration of knowledge." The festive event was held according to the plan with the participation of the mentors of the group A. Saparkhanov, G.S. Seitkazy, L. Esengeldiev, A. Aitbaev, A. Palmanov. groups 1k4 AP-19-2k.
12.) Minutes No. 5 dated 27.12.2019. A round table on propaganda and explanatory work of the Address of the President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Constructive public dialogue is the basis of stability and prosperity in Kazakhstan" was conducted by the mentor of the AP-19-2k group A. Palmanova.
13.) Minutes No. 1 09/28/2019. Open hour of the mentor on the topic "Knowledge of the law - the requirements of the time" AP-19-1k1. AP-19-1k2. AP-19-1k3. AP-19-1k4. AP-19-2k Saparkhanova A. Seitkazy G.S., Esengeldieva L.K., Aitbaeva A., Palmanova A.A. performed in groups.
14.) Minutes No. 3 26.10.2019 Mentoring hours and round tables "The meaning and role of spiritual and moral education in society" AP-17-1dk1; Batyr E.: AP-17- 1dk2 Alzhanov E., AP-17- 2k1 Esengeldieva L., the group mentors performed out of schedule.

15.) Minutes No. 3 26.10.2019 Round table on the topic "Formation of intolerance, prevention and fight against corruption" AP-17-1dk1. 1dk2. 1dk3. 1dr Batyr E., Alzhanov E., Seitkazy G.S. performed by the group mentors.

16.) Minutes No. 4 dated 28.11.2019. Within the framework of the program article "Focus on the future - spiritual renewal" "My Motherland, my land - my Kazakhstan!" AP-17-2k2 open hour on-topic mentor. 2k2. 2r groups Esengeldieva L.K., Iztleuova A., Murzabaev B.A. performed by the group mentors.

17.) Khattama No. 3 26.10.2019 g. "Bolashaққa baғdar-rukhani zhagyru" baғdarlamalyk maқalasy ayasynda "Ustaz - Urpak tiregi" atty taқyrypta degelek stel atkizu. AP-17-1dk1. 1dk2. 1dk3. 1dr Batyr E., Alzhanov E., Seytkazy G.S. AP-16-1k1. 1k2. 1k3 Palmanova A.A. Esmakhan N. Shakademiyalyқ toptar arasynda oryndaldy.

18.) Minutes No. 5 dated 27.12.2019. Round table "December - the pillar of independence" AP-16-1k1. 1k2. 1k3 Palmanova A.A. Esmakhan N.Sh. AP-16-1dr B. Raisov is performed between groups.

19.) Minutes No. 5 dated 27.12.2019. Round table "December - the pillar of independence" for the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan AP-16-1k1. 1k2. 1k3 Palmanova A.A. Esmakhan N.Sh. AP-16-1dr B. Raisov is performed between groups.

20.) Minutes No. 4 on November 28, 2019. December 1, Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Round table on the theme "Life and politics of the President" AP-18-1kd1. AP-18- 1dk2 U. Uskenbaeva performed out of schedule.

21.) Minutes No. 5 dated 27.12.2019. The round table dedicated to the 28th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Pillar of Independence" was held by A. Saparkhanova, G. Seitkazy among the AP-19 groups - 1k1.1k2.

22.) Minutes No. 9 04/28/2020 President N. Mentoring hours to explain to students Nazarbayev's article "Seven edges of the Great Steppe." AP-18-1dk1.1dk2, 1dt Usenbaeva Y., AP-18-2k2. 2k2 Abisheva G.S., Asanbek B., AP-18-2r Alzhanov E. performed out of schedule.

23.) Протокол №9 от 28. 04. 2020 г. Организована и проведена воспитательная работа по направлению «Проблемы усвоения принципов духовно-нравственного воспитания студентов» среди студентов 1 курса.

24.) Minutes No. 10 25.05.2020 Events dedicated to the Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan AP-17-2k2. 2k2. 2r groups Esengeldieva L.K., Iztleuova A., Murzabaev B.A. is performed unscheduled between groups.

25.) Protocol No. 2 26. 01. 2020 Organization of discussion of the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan among the staff and faculty of the University, students and campaigning among students of the academic group.

26.) Minutes No. 10 25. 05. 2020 ONLINE MENTORING HOURS on the theme "Long live the old people", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the "Defender of the Fatherland Day on May 7" among 1st year students and mentors of groups.

27.) Protocol No. 2 of 26. 01. 2020. Questionnaires and round tables were conducted among students on the implementation of measures to enhance antitumor and educational work among students of 1-2 courses during unscheduled tutoring sessions.


3. Spiritual and moral education.

28.) Minutes No. 2 09/26/2019. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev Within the framework of the program "Orientation for the future - Spiritual revival" proposed by Nazarbayev for the purpose of spiritual and cultural education of young people, the first-year group mentors introduced students to art and drama theaters, opera and ballet theaters, archaeological museums.

29.) Protocol No. 3. 26.10.2019 175 years since the birth of the Kazakh poet Abai Kunanbayev. In order to instill Abai's creativity in the minds of young people, to widely promote the ideas of the great figure AP-19-1k1. AP-19-1k2. AP-19-1k3. AP-19-1k4. AP-19-2k. Mentoring hours were held between groups AP-18-1dk1,1dk2, 1dt.

30.) Protocol No. 3. 26.10.2019 In honor of the Day of the Elderly "October 1" "Openness of Consciousness" On October 1, on the Day of the Elderly, an unscheduled festive event "My old men are my treasure" was held among the AP-18-2k1 2k2 groups.

31.) Minutes No. 8 19. 03. 2020 President N. Within the framework of the program "Orientation for the future - spiritual revival" proposed by Nazarbayev, a meeting of freshmen was held to visit local history museums and arboretums.

32.) Protocol No. 8 19. 03. In 2020, on the occasion of the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasir al-Farabi, who in 2020 was named “The Second Teacher of the World”, J.

33.) Minutes No. 9 dated 28.04.2020. Group AP-19-7k L. Fayzullaeva held an unscheduled ONLINE lecture on the legacy of Al-Farabi.


4. Professional and labor education.

34.) Minutes No. 1 28.08.2019. Rector of the University D.P. Kozhamzharova took part in a festive event dedicated to the "Day of Knowledge", took part in congratulatory and concert programs.

35.) Protocol No. 2. September 26, 2019, Mentoring hours "Our education for the prosperity of independent Kazakhstan" AP-16-1k1. 1k2. 1k3 Palmanova A.A. Esmakhan N. SHAP-16-1dr Raisov B. AP-16-2k Esmakhan N.Sh. performed on schedule.

36.) Protocol No. 2. On September 26, 2019, Saturday clean-ups on the theme "My clean yard" were held according to the approved schedule. Among 1st year students. 37.) Protocol No. 2. On September 26, 2019, the "Charitable Foundation" was organized and implemented with the participation of active students among academic teams.

38.) Protocol No. 3. 26.10.2019 Meeting with students in the library within the framework of the "100-new textbook" AP-19-1k1. AP-19-1k2. AP-19-1k3. The meeting with the participation of groups and deputy deans of the Higher School and other heads of departments was held out of schedule.

39.) Protocol No. 10. 25.05.2020 A round table was organized among the students on the implementation of the "Green Country" program.


5. Formation of religious tolerance.

40.) Minutes No. 3 26.10.2019. Round table on the topic "Spiritual and moral potential of religion" AP-17-2k2. 2k2. 2r groups Esengeldieva L.K., Iztleuova A., Murzabaev B.A. runs on a schedule between groups.

41.) Minutes No. 4 dated 28.11.2019. Conducting mentoring hours in the areas of "Prevention of religious extremism and terrorism" with the participation of active students of specialties 5B080100-Agronomy, 5B080800-Soil science and agrochemistry.

42.) Khattama # 3 26.10.2019 g. "Extremism Men Terrorism" AP-16-2k tobynda top tulimgeri G. Elibaeva zhospardan thousand ashyk tulimger sahatyn oryndady.

43.) Minutes No. 8 03/19/2020. Discussion on the topic "Religion and Traditions" AP-17-1dk1. 1dk2. 1dk3. 1dr Batyr E., performed in groups. 44.) Minutes No. 3 02/26/2020. Classes on the topic "Educational value of religion" AP-19-1k4. AP-19-2k Aitbaeva A., Palmanova A.A. performed according to plan.


6. Formation of physical culture and healthy lifestyle.

45) Minutes No. 3 dated 26.10.2019. Organization of student meetings with representatives of health authorities AP-17-1dk1,2,3,1p, 2k1,2k2. The group of mentors met with the senior nurse of the secondary school M. Shapieva and the city nurses of the student polyclinic of the university, explained to the students the nature of medical care, etc. Unscheduled work was carried out.

46) Minutes No. 5 of 27.12.2019 Within the framework of the “Charity Action” organized by the gymnasium with the participation of schoolchildren, competitions in volleyball, basketball, chess, togyzkumalak and others were held. With the participation of schoolchildren in order to attract schoolchildren to sports.

47.) Minutes No. 5 of 27.12.2019. The documentary video on the topic of Addiction was filmed outside of the coaching hours of group mentors among academic groups.

48.) Minutes No. 5 of 27.12.2019. A documentary on the AIDS Epidemic of the Century was shown outside of the hours of group mentoring among academic groups.

49.) Minutes No. 5 dated February 27, 2020. President Nursultan Nazarbayev As part of the Future Orientation - Spiritual Revival program proposed by Nazarbayev, a group of students organized sports events for students to revitalize the work of sports sections and clubs.

50.) Minutes No. 5 dated February 27, 2020. On the 175th anniversary of the birth of A. Kunanbaev, sports competitions were held among students of hostels among students of 1-2 courses.

51.) Minutes No. 9 dated 28.04.2020. A bright future without tobacco ”AP-17-2k2. 2k2. 2p group Esengeldieva L.K., Iztleuova A., Murzabaev B.A. spent hours of training ONLINE.

7. Environmental education.

52.) Minutes No. 2 dated 09.24.2019. Clean-ups on the theme "Youth for Environmental Safety" were held according to the approved schedule.

53.) Minutes No. 2 dated 09.24.2019. The academic groups of the department performed unscheduled cleaning works in accordance with the established terms of participation in subbotniks organized at the university level.

54.) Minutes No. 2 dated 09.24.2019. Subbotnik "Cleanliness is a guarantee of health" unscheduled cleaning work was carried out among students near the greenhouse No. 1 of the department.


8. Development of intellectual and communicative culture.

55.) Protocol No. 4. 26.11.2019 U. Responsible for the work of scientific circles of the department, is responsible for the work carried out in the organization of social scientific circles of students. Under the leadership of Uskenbaeva, together with active students of the specialties 5B080100-Agronomy, 5B080800-Soil Science and Agrochemistry, in accordance with the plan approved by the university, a scientific and practical student conference “75th anniversary of SKSU in golden letters on the historical stage was held. towards spiritual revival ”.


9. Cultural, aesthetic and multicultural education.

56.) Protocol No. 5 7. 12. 2019. To organize the New Year's holiday of the university, active students of the department held a festive event "New Year 2020".

57.) Minutes No. 5 7. 12. 2019. On December 16, students visited the Academic Kazakh Drama Theater named after Zh. Shanin in Shymkent for the play "The Circle of Hell".

58.) Minutes No. 5 7. 12. 2019. He visited the Shymkent City Opera and Ballet Theater "Kordagan Kordarai", where, on request, the work was carried out outside the schedule.

59.) Minutes No. 8 03/19/2020. March 8 - International Mother's Day AP-19-1k1. AP-19-1k2. AP-19-1k3. AP-19-1k4. Mentoring hours were spent between the AP-19-2k groups.

60.) Minutes No. 8 03/19/2020. President Nursultan Nazarbayev Within the framework of the program "Orientation for the future - Spiritual revival" proposed by Nazarbayev, events were organized among students to organize the holiday "Nauryz Meiramy 2020".

61.) Protocol No. 10 of 25.05.2020 to the celebration of the Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan ONLINE in the form of AP-18-1dk1.1dk2, 1dt mentoring hours on the topic "Our unity is harmonious"

62.) Minutes No. 8 03/19/2020. Open lessons ONLINE in honor of the holiday of the languages of the peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan AP-19-1k1. AP-19-1k2. AP-19-1k3. AP-19-1k4. Performs among AP-19-2k groups.

63.) Minutes No. 9 28.04.2020. On the occasion of the 1150th anniversary of the great leader of the Great Steppe, the pride of our people Abu Nasir al-Farabi, hashtags were performed among freshmen.


10. Development of student self-government and youth initiatives.

64.) Minutes No. 5 7. 12. 2019. In accordance with the plan, hours of mentoring and a round table were held between the academic groups in order to conduct the actions "Youth against corruption", "Session without corruption", there are the necessary documents, protocols and photographs.

65.) Protocol No. 4. 26. 11. In 2019, "Celebration of the International Student Day" in the ICT hall of the senior school students of the academic group of the department, a festive event was held with the participation of leaders at a high level.

66.) Protocol No. 5 7. 12. 2019. On the International Day against Corruption, a round table and open lessons were held among the students of the group. 67.) Minutes No. 5 dated 07.02.2020. Carrying out an action on the theme "One country, one destiny, one president." AP-19-1k1. AP-19-1k2. AP-19-1k3. AP-19-1k4. Performs among AP-19-2k groups.

68.) Minutes No. 9 dated 28.04.2020. The April "Mentor" for the Day of the Goat Korpesh-Bayan was held among the 2nd year students.



At the department of "Plant growing and animal husbandry" of the agricultural faculty 5В080100- "Agronomy", 5В080800- "Soil science and agrochemistry", 6В08130 - "Protection and quarantine of plants", 6В0814- "Fruit and vegetable growing" 6В08150 "Forestry" - 6В082 study groups "Technology of animal husbandry". The department has 375 students. The total number of academic groups is 36, including

 • Kazakh groups - 29;

 • Russian-6;

 • reduced groups-1.

At the end of the 2020-2021 academic year, the department completed work in 10 areas. 1. Organizational work. 2. Civil, patriotic and legal education. 3. Spiritual and moral education. 4. Professional and labor education. 5. Formation of religious tolerance. 6. Formation of physical culture and healthy lifestyle. 7. Environmental education. 8. Development of intellectual and communicative culture. 9. Cultural, aesthetic and multicultural education. 10. Development of student self-government and youth initiatives.

  1. Organizational work.

1.) Minutes No. 1 08/28/2020. In the first half of the academic year, group mentors and mentoring hours for groups of students in separate shifts were reviewed and approved at a meeting of the department. Also, the department has developed a schedule of inspections of educational work, control and monitoring of educational work of mentors (emergency plan, individual plans, a journal of mentors, mentoring hours were carried out according to schedule. The event dedicated to the Day of Knowledge was attended by the faculty of the university. P. Kozhamzharova congratulated the freshmen on the Day of Knowledge. Professors, deputy deans and heads of departments congratulated the freshmen on the "Day of Knowledge", introduced them to the group mentors, appointed group leaders and internal regulations of the university.

2.) Minutes No. 1 dated 08/28/2020. The senior curator of the department and the head of the department appointed curators of academic groups, introduced the freshmen to the mentors of the group, and also got acquainted with the hours and schedules of the mentors for a week.

3.) Protocol No. 2 25.09.2020 Message from President Kassym - Zhomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan in a new situation: validity period" online campaigning was carried out at the faculties of universities, universities. Group AP-17-7tk, group mentor Abdullaeva G.

4.) Minutes No. 2 on 25.09.2020 held unscheduled meetings with the leaders of the Company in groups of 4 courses on the topic "My profession is my pride."

5.) Protocol No. 2 of 25.09.2020, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. According to the program “Orientation for the future - Spiritual revival” proposed by Nazarbayev, a group of students spent mentoring hours.

6.) Protocol No. 4 25. 11. 2020. The article "Eternal country: one country - one destiny" has been published. Group AP-17-1dk1, mentor Batyr E.E.


2. Civil, patriotic and legal education.

7.) Minutes No. 3 25. 10. 2020. Hours of mentoring were spent in each group for the Teacher's Day "Triumph of Knowledge" "My teacher is my teacher."

8.) Minutes No. 1 dated September 25, 2020. In the groups AP-20-9k, Saparbekova P.E., AP-20-1k, Aytbaeva A., AP-20-2r, AP-20, there was an open mentor hour on the topic "Knowledge of the law is the need for an hour." 2k Asanbek B.

9.) Protocol No. 3 25.10.20120 Educational hours on the topic “Formation of intole

10.) Protocol No. 4 25. 11. 2020. Educational hour "Tugan elim, zhrim - Kazakhstan" under the program "Spiritual revival" "Orientation to the future Spiritual revival" among the groups AP-17-2k1, AP-17-2k2. spent an unscheduled open mentor hour rance, prevention and fight against corruption” were held in all groups.

11.) Minutes No. 4 25. 11. 2020. An unscheduled open educational hour at the university level on the topic "The Values of the Great Steppe." Group AP-17-1dk1, mentor Batyr E.E.

3. Spiritual and moral education.

 12) Protocol No. 3 25.10.20120 Organization of events on the theme "State symbols - the glory of the state", the department held online mentoring among academic groups.

4. Professional and labor education.

13) Minutes No. 1 dated 08/28/2020. First-year students "September 1 - Knowledge Day" Rector of the University D.P. A festive event dedicated to the "Day of Knowledge" Kozhamzharova, congratulations were held online. 14) Minutes # 3 25. 10. 2020. Labor Day mentoring lessons were held in university and academic groups.

14) Minutes # 3 25. 10. 2020. Labor Day mentoring lessons were held in university and academic groups.

5. Formation of religious tolerance.

15) Minutes No. 4 of 25. 11. 2020. Conducting mentoring hours in the direction of "Prevention of religious extremism and terrorism" with the participation of active students of specialties 5B080100-Agronomy, 5B080800-Soil science and agrochemistry, 6B08210 (5B080200) animal husbandry.

6. Formation of physical culture and healthy lifestyle.

16) Protocol No. 3 25. 10. 2020. Online meetings of students with representatives of health authorities were organized in all academic groups of the Agricultural Faculty. The theme was "The AIDS epidemic of the century."

17) Minutes No. 5 12/07/2020. An unscheduled hours of mentoring group mentors among academic teams were held with a video documentary on the topic of "Addiction".

18) Протокол №4 от 25. 11. 2020. Проведен открытый образовательный час по здоровью на тему «Пропаганда здорового образа жизни и борьба с наркоманией». АП-20-2к, 2к., Асанбек Б., АП-20-1к, АП-19-1dk4 Айтбаева А.


7. Environmental education

19) Protocol No. 2 on 25.09.2020 held an unscheduled educational hour with students of specialties 6В08140 Fruits and vegetables, 6В08150 Forestry on the topic "Youth for environmental safety".

8. Development of intellectual and communicative culture.

20) Protocol No. 4. 25.11.2020. Within the framework of the "Spiritual Revival" program, an online competition "Strong position of Kazakhstan - harmony and peace" was organized with the group AP-18-1dk1

9. Cultural, aesthetic and multicultural education.

21) Protocol No. 3 25. 10. 2020. Online events dedicated to the celebration of the languages of the peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan were held.

22) Protocol No. 5 7. 12. 2020. Popularization of the history and celebrities of the South based on the article of the program of President N. Nazarbayev "Orientation to the future - spiritual renewal."

10. Development of student self-government and youth initiatives.

23) Minutes No. 5 12/07/2020. For the campaign "Youth against corruption", "Session without corruption", according to the plan, hours of mentoring were held among academic groups.


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