Our international cooperation in the field of science
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The team of authors from Russia, Germany and Kazakhstan, cooperation in science which was possible thanks to the international program Erasmus Mundus Action -2 - Partnerships (IAMONET-RU) and the international program "Bolashak" of Kazakhstan. This textbook "Fundamentals of veterinary sanitation" is designed for colleges, bachelors, undergraduates and graduate students. Sakhno N.V. doctor of veterinary science, associate Professor, Buyarov V. S. doctor of agricultural sciences., Professor (Orel state agrarian UNIVERSITY), Y. A. Vatnikov. doctor of veterinary science., Professor (PFUR), Tutkyshbay I. A. candidate of veterinary science., associate Professor (SKSU M.Auezov), Mikheeva E. A. candidate of biological science., associate Professor, Skrebnev S. A. candidate of veterinary science., associate Professor, Skrebneva E. N. candidate of biological science., associate Professor, V.V. Sazonov, doctor of veterinary science., Professor, Sakhno O. N. candidate of veterinary science., (Orel state agrarian UNIVERSITY.).