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On the basis of our university with the business incubator of the Innovation Cluster of Nazarbayev University, a 2-day training seminar ABC Weekend was held on February 12-13, 2022 on generating and improving startup ideas. The events were attended by students of 1,2,3,4 courses of the Faculty of Agriculture, the total number of 29. Following the results of the event, students of the Department of Veterinary Medicine Userbai A, Abdrakhmanova A, Omarova A, Kaldybayeva M, Pernebek A, Esenbek A, Abdulla L, Kadeev A, Sadykov A, Amanova B, Abdrakhman A, Akramova A; departments of "Water resources, land use and agrotechnics" Agzamova D, Aitugan A, Asylbekova B, Madikhan A, Seidakhmet D, Zhakhankyzy Zh, Mirkhalimov M, Bakhyt N, Ermekbayev A, Tazhibek A, Tazhibay A, Satibaeva M, Pazylbekkyzy K, Zhamaldin Sh; Departments of "Plant growing and animal husbandry" Ergalieva A, Saidazimov A, Zhursinbek B received certificates of completion of the ABC Weekend training seminar.
The amount of funding for research-52,000,000 tenge.
1. The project "Intensive development of vegetable production through the implementation of agrotechnical measures for 3-fold production of products in open fields in the conditions of the South Kazakhstan region and the preparation of a complex of agricultural machines and aggregates for this purpose". (Project manager-B. Kalymbetov). The amount of funding is 37,000,000 tenge.
In 2019-2020, the Department of Research Financing submitted 5 applications for participation in the competition. Two of them are under the program 019 to the Department of Agriculture of the South Kazakhstan region under the regional budget program No. 255 019 for 2020:
1. "Introduction and dissemination of the technology of construction of three agricultural crops simultaneously in one field with a high yield with improved quality in the agro-industrial complex of the Turkish region" (project manager-Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Manabaev N. T.).
2. an innovative project was held on the topic: "Innovative systems of agricultural crop re-equipment Smartdrop ® in the conditions of the South of Kazakhstan" (project manager-Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior lecturer Karabalaeva A.D.).
3. "Introduction of the universal multifunctional equipment four in one (UMNO - 4/1) providing effective use of irrigation water" (project manager-Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Manabaev N. T.).
4. Project No. 025-17-GC trailer to tractor" organization of small production of tractor trailer for modules 2 PTSH-10-45 for cotton transportation " (project manager-Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior lecturer Kalymbetov B.).
5. title of the project topic: "accelerated cotton harvesting with a horizontal spindle cotton harvesting machine»John-Deere", improvement of manufacturing technologies and production of a model of an updated harvesting machine that allows you to collect cotton from coordinated beds". (Project manager-PhD, senior lecturer B. Kalymbetov).
6. works with the highest scientific result
Publications published according to the results of research in 2019-2020 for the department:
6.1. in foreign rating publications (with an if greater than 0.25) - 9 articles
1. Coenoflora and Spiraeanthus schrenkianus Maxim population structure in the mountains of Boraldaytau, Abduova A. A. Kupriyanov O. A., Kupriyanov A. N., Yessengeldi A., Sataev M. I., Moshkalov B. M., Tolegen M. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 2019, No 13, p. 1205-1213 (Scopus).
2. environmental aspects of cotton production for the textile industry. Mustafaeva M. I., Lakhanova K. M., Kedelbaev B. Sh., Iztleuov G. M., Abduova A. A., Kenzhalieva G. D. Izvestiya vysshego uchebnykh zavedeniy. Technology of the textile industry. Publisher: Ivanovo State Textile Academy (Ivanovo) ISSN: 0021-3497 Year: 2020 (Scopus).
3. Problems of wastewater treatment and improvement of water consumption in textile finishing industries. G. M. Iztleuov, A. A. Abduova, E. K. Yessimov, A. E. Duanbekova, M. N. Akhilbekov, A. Kh. Ongarov. News of higher educational institutions. Technology of the textile industry. Publisher: Ivanovo State Textile Academy (Ivanovo) ISSN: 0021-3497 Year: 2020 (Scopus).
4. Electrocoagulation treatment of waste water from chromium (vi) ions of textile industry enterprises. G. M. Iztleuov, A. A. Abduova, L. M. Sataeva, B. U. Baibatyrov, S. S. Duisenova, G. D. Kenzhalieva. News of higher educational institutions. Technology of the textile industry Publisher: Ivanovo State Textile Academy (Ivanovo) ISSN: 0021-3497 Year: 2020 (Scopus).
5. Development of electroflotation methods of wastewater treatment from oil and oil products. G. M. Iztleuov, A. A. Abduova, L. M. Sataeva, B. U. Baibatyrov, G. D. Kenzhalieva, A. Sabdenova. News of higher educational institutions. Technology of the textile industry. Publisher: Ivanovo State Textile Academy (Ivanovo) ISSN: 0021-3497 Year: 2020 (Scopus).
6. Combined technological scheme of wastewater treatment of textile industries. Utebaev A. A., Abduova A. A., Bakhov Zh. News of higher educational institutions. Technology of the textile industry. Publisher: Ivanovo State Textile Academy (Ivanovo) ISSN: 0021-3497 Year: 2018 (Scopus).
7. Treatment of waste water from the dyeing stage of the textile factory "azala textile". A. A. Abduova, G. M. Iztleuov, B. U. Baibatyrova, G. Kenzhalieva, V. M. Dzhanpaizova, R. A. Konasheva. News of higher educational institutions. Technology of the textile industry. Publisher: Ivanovo State Textile Academy (Ivanovo) ISSN: 0021-3497 Year: 2020 (Scopus).
8. Methods of wastewater treatment of the textile industry from organic compounds. A. A. Abduova, G. M. Iztleuov, A. Zh. Dayrabaeva, B. U. Baibatyrova, G. Kenzhalieva, R. A. Konasheva. News of higher educational institutions. Technology of the textile industry. Publisher: Ivanovo State Textile Academy (Ivanovo). ISSN: 0021-3497 Year: 2020 (Scopus).
9. The use of ornamental plants in the landscaping of a textile mill. Abduova A. A., Karabalaeva A.D., Manabaev N. T., Baymakhanov K., Yessimov E. K., Ongarova A. Kh. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Technology of the textile industry. Publisher: Ivanovo State Textile Academy (Ivanovo). ISSN: 0021-3497 Year: 2020 (Scopus).
10. Influence of salinity of meadow-gray-earth soils on the structure of productive agricultural crops. Dauletbayev B. U., Sultanbekova P. S., Duanbekova A. E., Ermakhanov N. K., Meirbekova A. S. 2020. (Scopus).
1. Head of the Department of veterinary medicine, PhD — Kusherbaeva Aisulu Turmuhambetova-the results of the competition for grant funding for young scientists on scientific and scientific-technical projects for the years 2021-2023 won a grant in the amount of 40 thousand tenge on the topic: "development of a method of rapid diagnosis of brucellosis of animals in modern conditions".
2. On January 22, 2021, a meeting was held with scientists of the Faculty of Agriculture, at which the terms and conditions of the competition "program 026"were presented. At the meeting, explanatory work was carried out on the planned goals.
In 2019, a study of the NIR resulted in an intensively activated process.
BP-11-07-15: Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor. Nauryzbayev Ye.M. in the discipline "Agricultural aquaculture and oblodnenie pasteurization" in a lecture room;
2 Results from NIRB-11-07-15 Abdikerimov S. in the discipline "Rational Meliorations"; 3.Results of the N / A B-11-07-15 kts, Sultanbekova P.S. in the disciplines of "Ecology of water sources".
4. Reports NIR B-11-07-15 Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Aubakirova PhD in the subject of "Lecture on Water Management System", on topic "Hydroelectric Meliorative Purpose"
5. Summary of the report N / A N-11-07-15 Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Aubakirova PhD in the subject "Design of Water Supply Systems" on the topic of "Projection of Open Air Network"
6.Results of N / A NIR Б-11-07-15 к.с.н., Sultanbekova P.S. in the subject of lecture on discipline "Water objects protection technique" on theme "Efficient use of water resources in agriculture"
7.Results of N / A NIR B-11-07-15 Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Sypabekova GG In the disciplines "Search and prospecting of underground waters" on theme "Special methods of research"
8.Results of N / A NIR B-11-07-15 Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Sypabekova GG in the disciplines "Search and prospecting of water supply" on topic "Artin su naryn"
9.Results of N / A NIR B-11-07-15 Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Sultanbekova G. Zh. in the disciplines "Search and prospecting of water supply", theme "Coagulation of natural and waste water purification process" and Flocculation Improvement »
10.Results of N / A NIR B-11-07-15 Candidate of physical-mathematical sciences, associate professor Baimakhanov K. Lecture room on the subject "Farming", topic "Artificial Water Navarra"