About faculty


The Faculty of Agriculture was established in 2003. The Faculty of Agriculture consists of 3 departments: "Crop production and animal husbandry"; "Veterinary medicine"; "Water resources, land use and agricultural engineering".
Currently, the faculty employs 3 Doctors of Sciences, 33 Candidates of Sciences and 5 PhD doctors, 2 Best University teachers.
The contingent of students of the Faculty of Agriculture is more than 1200 students, of which about 1059 are studying on the basis of a state educational grant.
The faculty has an interdisciplinary master's degree in the following specialties: "Technology of mineral salts and agrochemistry", "Water supply of cities and industry", "Veterinary Biotechnology", "Agro management".
In 2019, the faculty's educational programs: Agronomy, Livestock Production Technology, Water Resources and Water Use, Agricultural Machinery and Technology, Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Veterinary Medicine were Internationally accredited by IQAA (NAOKO), an independent agency for quality assurance in education. In 2022, the educational programs Cadastre, Land Management also passed the International Accreditation of IQAA (NAOKO) of the independent agency for quality assurance in Education.
The material and technical base meets modern requirements. The faculty has two scientific experimental farms "Kainar bulak", "Zhas keshu".
The Faculty of Agriculture closely cooperates with leading domestic and foreign universities, research centers and research institutes. There are agreements on cooperation in the field of science and higher education with the branch of the Tashkent State Agrarian University of Nukus, the Dnieper State Agrarian and Economic University, the Kyrgyz-Slavic University, the Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Borodikov, the Russian State Agrarian University - the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan, Namangan Machine-Building Institute, Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology, Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Putra Malaysia University, Kokshetau University named after Sh . Ualikhanov, Krakow Agricultural University, Poland, Almaty Technological University, KazATU named after S.Saifullin, Latvian Agricultural University, Latvia.
The dual education system is being conducted at a good pace at the faculty. Graduates who have been trained in the dual system are employed at the same enterprises. These are Kazagronom LLP, Yelnur-Aidar SEC, Water Resources – Marketing LLP, the South Kazakhstan Regional Branch of the RSE at the RVL PCV Committee for Veterinary Control and Supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Today, scientists of the Faculty of Agriculture are conducting research on: "Space monitoring and GIS for quantitative assessment of soil salinity and degradation of agricultural land in the south of Kazakhstan", Development of an experimental model of a universal multifunctional mounted tool (UMNO-4/1).
The scientific directions of the faculty's teaching staff are related to the State Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan, State budget programs in the field of agriculture, science, technology and education for the development and organization of innovative technologies:
1. Production of vermiculite ointment from a rock mineral and testing it for the treatment of experimental wounds of laboratory animals.
2. Research and assessment of the current state of water and land resources, as well as the level of mechanization of the Southern region for the development of the agricultural sector.
3. Develop and implement an innovative technology for the production of animal products.
4. Improvement of the technology of growing sugar sorghum in the conditions of the Turkestan region.
5. Cultivation of seedlings and seedlings of deciduous, coniferous, fruit trees, ornamental shrubs and semi-shrubs, medicinal plants at the experimental site "Kainar-bulak".

The Faculty of Agriculture trains specialists in 11 specialties:

6В08110 - "Agronomy"

6B08610 - "Water resources and water use"

6В08510 - "Agricultural machinery and technology"

6B08120 - "Soil science and agrochemistry"

6В07350 - "Land management"

6В07360 - "Cadastre"

6В09111 - "Veterinary medicine"

6В07330 - "Water supply, sanitation and protection of water resources"

6В08210 - "Technology of production of livestock products"

6В08130 - "Protection and quarantine of plants"

6В08140 - "Horticulture"

The winners of the competition the Best teacher of the year at the agricultural faculty:

1. Ilyasov Bisengali of Kresovich, doctor of veterinary Sciences, Professor of the Department "Veterinary medicine".
2. Asylbekov Bauyrzhan Zhamalbekovich - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department "Technology of animal products”
3. Baymakhanov Kenzhemirza - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department "Water Resources and Water Use", Associate Professor

Winners of the State Prize:

1. Omar Myrzakhan -Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Livestock Production Technology
2. Kanseitov Tagai-Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of "Technology of animal products"
3. Nuraliev Sairambek -Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Veterinary Medicine

Fellows of the international program of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Bolashak” :

1. Tutkyshbay Ibrahim Askerovich - Germany, Stuttgart University
2. Zholdasova Makpal Abdizhalilovna-Switzerland, Montreux Institute of Business
3. Doshanov Daulet Askarovich-Russia, Moscow, K. Timiryazev Russian Agricultural Academy


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