Head of the Chair Zhilkibaev Aset Kenesbekovich Candidate of Biologhi Sciences, Senior Teacher Address: SKO (South Kaz..." />

Plant growing and animal husbandry

Zhilkibaev Aset Kenesbekovich
Head of the Chair
Candidate of Biologhi Sciences, Senior Teacher

 Address:  SKR (South Kazakhstan Region), Shymkent city, M.Kh.Dulati street, building 9, room 221.
 Tel: 8(7252)32-23-37
1. Professor teaching staff

Professor teaching staff

Zhilkibaev Aset Kenesbekovich
Head of the Chair
Candidate of Biologhi Sciences, Senior Teacher
 Address:  SKR (South Kazakhstan Region), Shymkent city, M.Kh.Dulati street, building 9, room 221.
 Tel: 8(7252)32-23-37,

Elibaeva Gulmira Isataevna,
Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Senior Teacher
Address:  SKR (South Kazakhstan Region),
Shymkent city, M.Kh.Dulati street, building 9, room 221.
 Tel: 8(7252)32-23-37

Murzabaev Bolat Asankhanovich
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Teacher
Contact information:
Phone number: 87252-32-23-37
The building: №9.
217 office
Tel: 87252-32-23-37

Zhumabaeva Rosa Ortaevna
Candidate of Biologhi Sciences, Senior Teacher
Contact information:
Phone number: 87252-32-23-37
The building: №9. 217 office

Tastanbekova Gulnarа Rahimberdievna
Dean of the Faculty of
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Teacher
Contact information:
Phone number: 87252-32-23-37
The building: №9. 217 office 

Daurenbekov Hanibek Tolikbaevich
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Teacher
Contact information:
Phone number: 87252-32-23-37
The building: №9. 217 offic

Egemkulov Nurlibay Alikulovich
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Teacher
Contact information:
Phone number: 87252-32-23-37
The building: №9.
217 office

Doshanov Daulet Askarovich​
PhD, Senior Teacher
Contact information:
Phone number: 87252-32-23-37
The building: №9. 217 office

Fayzullaeva Lyazzat Amanhanovna
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Teacher
Contact information:
Phone number: 87252-32-23-37
The building: №9. 217 office

Surimbaeva Kulaysha
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Teacher
Contact information:
Phone number: 87252-32-23-37
The building: №9. 217 office

Тurebaeva Sagadat Dauletbekovna
PhD, Senior Teacher
Contact information:
Phone number: 8 775 658 07 34
The building: №9. 219 office

Abisheva Gulnara Sagauiaevna 
Senior Teacher
Contact information:
Phone number: 87252-32-23-37
The building: №9.
219 office

Iskakova Aksaule Maratovna
Master, Teacher
Contact information:
Phone number: 87252-32-23-37
The building: №9. 219office

Esmahan Nursulu Sharabiddinkyzy
Master , senior lecturer 
Contact information: 87716421012
Office№ 9 building 219 office

Alzhanov Erlan Abdukalikovich
Master, Senior Teacher
Phone number:
е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone number: 8-705-723-76-15
The building: №9.
220 office

Kurmanova HalidaTurebekovna
Master, Senior Teacher
Phone number:
Phone number: 8-705-723-76-15
The building: №9. 220 office

Alimbeova Nurgul Amanbaevna
Master, Senior Teacher
Contact information:
е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone number: 87252-32-23-37
The building: №9. 219office

Absatova Botagoz Aliakbarovna
Master, Teacher
Contact information:
Phone number: 87252-32-23-37
The building: №9. 219office

Batyr Elenora Ergeshbaevna
Master, Senior Teacher
Contact information:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone number: 87252-32-23-37
The building: №9. 219office

Saparbekova Perizat Erkinkizi
Master, Teacher
Contact information:
Phone number: 8-778-599-94-15
The building: №9.

Palmanova Aizhan Adilbaevna
Master, senior lecturer 
contact information : 87477314512
Office : № 9 building 219 office

Nurgaziyeva Binazir Arystanbekovna
Highly qualified specialist , laboratory assistant
phone: 8 747 4288727 
№9 building 209 office
2. The history of the department
3. Рractice bases
4. Student research work
6. Educational work of the Department
7. Practice
8. Academic mobility
9. Laboratory base of the Department


March 2025
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160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


(8-725-2) 40-08-99

(8-725-2) 27-38-52


Chancellery(8-725-2) 21-01-41



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