The intellectual game "Erudite" under the name "Youth-the future of the country!"
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On April 19, 2017 in Southern Kazakhstan state university of M. Auezov in the Higher school of agricultural sciences there has taken place the intellectual game "Erudite" at the organizations of students of Pathology of Animals department, under the name "Youth-the future of the country!" in which students have taken places: І the place - Amen A. N., Sara G. B., Omir A.ZH., Tazhibekov N. A. students of group AP-15-8k2; ІІ the place - Amzebek G. Sh., Kalmakhan A.A., Nazarkasym N. A., Altynbek B. A. students of group AP-15-8k1; ІІІ the place - Bayazitova G. M., Talpakov A. G., Boranbayev E. K. and Saylau Zh. N. delay of ejaculations students of group AP-15-8k1.