Mobile students
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In the specialty 5B120100 – "Veterinary medicine"
At present, the student 3 courses of group AP-14-8r of Tokseit Asiya studies on external academic mobility in the city of Krakow, Poland at the Krakow agricultural university of Hugo Kollantaya.
In the specialty 5B080200 - "Technology of livestock products"
Students actively study on the academic mobility both in foreign, and in HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of our republic, for example last academic year acheter cialis sans ordonnance the student of group AP-14-7k1 Akzhol A. was trained in Poland the city of Shetsine, West Pomor technological university, the student of group AP-14-7k1 Turar B. studied at university of KAZATU of S. Seyfulin the city of Astana, the student of group AP-14-7k2 Karatay A. - at the West Kazakhstan agrarian and technical university of Zhangirkhan the city of Uralsk.
In the specialty 5B080500 – "Water resources and water use"
The student 3 courses of group AP-14-4k1 Serik D. S. successfully studied on external academic mobility in the city of Krakow, Poland at the Krakow agricultural university of Hugo Kollantaya.