The meeting of the prorector K.Baibolova with the teachers' stuff of faculty

The meeting of the pro-rector on innovative  technologies K.Baibolova with the member of faculty SSV on discussion of the report of the minister of a science and education of the academician B. Zhumagulova concerning quality of education.

On words K.Baibolova, the minister of education B.Zhumagulov has brought in the plan of training for 2020 the program on improvement of quality of education.

To improve qualities of knowledge and not only enter the list 50  developing countries of the world but to bring in the certain contribution.

2012-2013 years are the most significant  for the university and including for Agroindustrial faculty. The university marks not only 70 anniversary of the basis but 10 anniversary of faculty. The faculty was equipped with the new equipment for laboratory employment, the hothouse is established and we are building a new hostel. We should use the conditions, created to us to introduce the program of the minister B.Zhumagulova. In a result K.Baibolov has finished his speech by words " not only we live in the today's day but also we think of the future ".



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