Welcome to Az-Nauryz!
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"Welcome to Az-Nauryz!" A festive art event took place.
The event lasted 3 days:
On March 15, a tournament was organized on the theme "Essays on the traditions of the Kazakh people."
The results of the essay tournament are as follows:
I place
Makhmudova A.Yu.
II place
Zhumabekova N.
III place
Mukhamedali D.
In addition to prizes, our smart and intelligent students were given letters of thanks for participating.
On March 16, the wrestlers of the agrarian faculty tested their strength in the sports tournament "Strength in Unity".
The results of the sports tournament are as follows:
Tug of war winners:
1st place
Team "Turan"
II place
Team "Kyran"
III place
Team "Sunkar"
In hand-to-hand combat:
1st place (4000 ₸)
Akzhigitov Ali
II place (2000 ₸)
Chairman Zautbek
III place (1000 ₸)
Pernebai Muratbek
All participants will be awarded valuable prizes, as well as letters of thanks, congratulations to all the winners and wish you creative success ?
March 17 Our festive evening "Welcome-Az-Nauryz" took place. The festive evening was marked by songs, dances and "Tusau keser". The elders shouted "Good luck, only good luck," and the elders blessed. Tournament participants, as well as active students of our faculty, were awarded letters of thanks and received their prizes.