20-year anniversary of “Bolashak”
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20 years ago the International Scholarship “Bolashak” was established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev’s Decree, which is one of the most important projects aimed on formation of competitive nation. In this connection teacher staff of “Industrial” faculty of M.Auezov Southern Kazakhstan State University – “Leader of 2013” made their contribution in the Strategy “Kazakhstan - 2050”, which became International Scholarship “Bolashak” owners and underwent the scientific internship in abroad leading universities, such as A.Tenlibayeva (Russia), I.Tutkhyshbai (Germany), N.Manabayev (Russia), Ph.Yerekhanova (Great Britain), A.Zhorabekova, M.Seiitzhappar, M.Zholdassova, G.Beissenova (Switzerland). We would like to congratulate all “Bolashak” Scholarship owners in occasion of 20-year anniversary which will be held in November 29-30, 2013 in the Palace “Independence” of Astana city with the State Head’s participation.
Dr.Ibragim Askarovish Tutkishbay “Industrial” faculty of M.Auezov Southern Kazakhstan State University.