Bolashak International Scholarship

Bolashak International Scholarship was established on the initiative of President N.A.Nazarbayev. For 20years Bolashak Presidential Scholarship has been successfully fulfilling its top-priority objective – to satisfy the needs of national economy in highly-qualified professionals.

 Bolashak International Scholarship was established on November 5, 1993 by the Decree of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev

At the dawn of independence, the Republic of Kazakhstan needed highly qualified professionals capable to conduct further reforms and worthily represent the country at the international Serena.

For the first time in history the post-Soviet countries, talented youth of Kazakhstan got a chance to obtain education abroad.

Bolashak Scholarship turned into some kind of guarantor of successful career growth and professional self-realization of its graduates.

Year by year the Program had been gaining pace and was adapted to the implementation of state objectives.

10 025 Scholarship awarded over 20 years of the programs   implementation

6 015 Scholars are Bolashak program alumni

6,015 Bolashak alumni are working in real of economy

Out of them

in forced innovative industrialization of the country and solution of the Third Industrial Revolution challenges – 43 %

in successful development of human capital of the nation - 15 %

in modernization of public administration and planning system - 19 %

in strengthening national entrepreneurship and middle class,  entrepreneurial spirit, pragmatism and initiatives - 15 %

in building economy of future - 8 %.


Delegierte International Scholarship “Bolashak”  Dr.Ibragim Askarovish Tutkishbay “Industrial” faculty of M.Auezov Southern Kazakhstan State University.Astana.



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160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


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