Scientists of the Agrarian Faculty held a scientific seminar with international participation
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On the 27th of October, 2023, scientists from the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Agrarian Faculty held a scientific seminar on the topic: «The strategic goal is the development of domestic veterinary science». The event was opened with an opening speech by Dean G.R. Tastanbekova. In her speech, Gulnara Rakhimberdyevna noted that ensuring effective protection of farm animals from diseases has been and remains one of the main tasks of veterinary science and practice. Only from healthy animals can we obtain larger quantities and better sanitary quality of livestock products. Reducing the number of cases of infectious diseases has not only economic, but also important social significance. Prevention of epizootics makes it possible to maintain and develop the necessary interfarm, interregional and interstate ties, and the successful fight against zooanthropozoonoses, of which there are more than 150 diseases, makes a great contribution to ensuring public health.
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department of Parasitology of the St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine named after V.L. Yakimov Larisa Mikhailovna Belova spoke in detail about the use of diagnostic methods taking into account patent developments.
The report of the Deputy Director of the Veterinary Department for the Turkestan Region, Elekeev Tokseit Artykbaevich, was devoted to the features of veterinary education and veterinary service.
During the seminar, participants asked questions that interested them, to which they received comprehensive answers.