The 27th scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists was held at the Agrarian Faculty
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On the 5-6th of December, 2023, the Agrarian Faculty held the 27th scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists on the topic: “Current problems in the development of the agro-industrial complex: past, present, future,” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov and the 20th anniversary of the Agrarian Faculty. The conference was opened with a welcoming speech by the Dean of the Faculty G.R. Tastanbekova.
During the conference, 52 reports were heard in the following areas: “Plant and Livestock Production”, “Veterinary Medicine”, “Water Resources, Land Use and AgroTechnology”. After discussing the reports, the commission members determined the following prizes:
The 1st place - student of group AP-20-7dk Saidazimov Aidar with a report “Technology for growing lemons in a greenhouse.”
The 2nd place – student of group AP-21-8k3 Ziyatkhan Kenzhe with a report “Hypovitaminosis of quail chicks raised in the veterinary clinic of SKU named after M. Auezov."
The 2nd place - the youngest participant, 3rd grade student of school-gymnasium №65 named after Y. Altynsarin Baitursyn Nursultan with a report “The benefits and harms of fast food.”
The 3rd place - student of group AP-20-8k2 Myrzakhankyzy Dina with a report “Measures for the prevention and elimination of brucellosis.”
The 3rd place - 9th grade student of Lyceum School №15 named after D.I. Mendeleev Aripzhan Nuray with a report “Technology for growing cucumbers in a greenhouse”.