The open day of the Faculty of Agriculture was held in the Baidibek district of the Turkestan region
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On April 14, the Agrarian Faculty of South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov provided an open day in the assembly hall of the secondary IT school in the Shayan village, Baidibek district, Turkestan region for graduates of 15 secondary schools. Of the 750 graduates of the Baidibek district, this event was attended by more than 250 schoolchildren, who received the information from moderator, Master Nurzhan Nurkhodzhaev; and from Dean of the "Agrarian" Faculty, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Gulnara Tastanbekova; heads of the chairs "Crop growing and animal husbandry", candidate of biological sciences Aset Zhylkibaev, "Water resources, land use and agricultural technology", candidate of technical sciences, docent Parida Sultanbekova and "Veterinary medicine", PhD doctor Aisulu Kuzerbayeva to get acquainted with the educational programs of the university, visit a special exhibition, where the educational and scientific achievements of the university were demonstrated.