Foreign language for agroindustrial specialities
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Executes duties of the head
Kaldayakov Kosherbay Kaldayakuly
Philological sciences candidate, senior teacher
Adress: Southern Kazakhstan, Shymkent city, M.Dulaty street, 189, building №9, study №204.
Telephone: 8(7252)32-22-58
Е-mail: aitoti This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
General information
The chair history
In connection with integration into world society state policy of Kazakhstan Republic in education field is directed to formation of intellectual, polycultural nation which puts new aims and tasks of high school. All formations in system of higher education are real contribution to realization of strategy of Kazakhstan including in number of more competitive countries in the world. In these purposes M.Auezov SKSU has important place in the given policy realization which is famous not only in the republic, but abroad as large multiprofile institution with developed educational and research infrastructure, staff potential, which are cable to improve new directions of science and technique.
The university pays a great attention for development of polycultural and polylingual education the purpose of which on the 28th of August, 2012 with decision of Academic Council meeting new chair “Foreign language for agroindustrial specialties” was founded which was separated from the chair “Foreign languages for technical specialties”.
The chair has long-term history. In 1955 the chair of foreign languages was first established. It includes a lot of high qualified specialists such as Saharova -Danzas Е.К, Sherly Overton (Valanteer from USA), Kremarenko L,A, Blinova Т.G, Sokolskaya N.B, Krenzyaev А.B, Smogеrzhеevskaya А.T, Тanapolskaya М.М, Sidorova В.G, Кrasnova Т.S, Solocha К.А, Suhamberdiev А.К, Guber К.К. etc.
During 2014-2015 academic year the chair teaching staff is 10 teachers. They are 1 candidate of philological sciences,5 masters.
Academic – methodic work
The chair staff work on state SRW theme ‘’4-language termina logical dictionary for agroindustrial specialities “Which is regarded to work on many lexicographical resources, texts, scientific articles on agroindustrial direction.The complex of academic – methodical resources: methodic, manual, discipline individual tasks for students studying by credit technology,complex of text exercises,is worked out in the chair at present.
Scientific research work
Science is a part of human culture, its achievements contain basic human treasures. No doubt, intellect and qualification of young specialists are the guarantee of their higher social rating. Scientific research work of the chair “Foreign language for agroindustrial specialties” of the faculty “Agroindustrial” during 2014-2015 academic year is done according to scientific –research plan of the University.
The future plan of the chair
In the future active functioning of the scientific – student club ”FLC” the purpose of which is improvement knowledge and skills to speak, write and understand in foreign language,to reveal agroindustrial department students’ polycultural and polylingual competence. which is important for them to participate in the international programs such as “Bolashak”, ”DAAD”.