General information

For the contribution to the education of the youth of the city in the spirit of patriotism, as well as active activity in public activities, the head of the Department "Water Resources, Land Use and Agricultural Engineering" of the Agrarian Faculty, Parida Sultanbekova, received a letter of thanks from the mayor of the city, M. Aitenov.

For contribution to the education of youth in the spirit of patriotism and active public activity, senior curator of the Department "Water resources, land use and farming" Abashev Murat M. received letter of appreciation from Vice-rector for social and educational work of the M. Auezov, S. Majibekov.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, senior lecturer of the Department "Water Resources, Land Use and Agricultural Engineering" Baymakhanov Kenzhemyrza took part in the republican competition "Leader TEACHER-2020", which was held in order to popularize among teachers the program article of the Head of State N. A.Nazarbayev" looking to the future: Ruhani Jangyru " and became the winner, having received the diploma of 1 degree.