Existence of ESIC
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Existence of ESIC
Now at Veterinary Clinical Diagnostics and Pathology of Animals departments contracts on joint cooperation and creation (ESIC) of educational scientific-industrial complexes with the enterprises are available:
1. «Nour-Ay-5» LLP, Shymkent
2. «Amangeldi» LLP
3. Breeding Complex «Shubar» LLP
4. Regional veterinary laboratory
5. «Southern Kazakstan Scientific Research Veterinary Station" branch
6. «Veterinary Service»
7. «Veterinary clinic» Southern Kazakhstan state university, and also fine veterinary institutions and veterinary drugstores.
The plan of work on creation of the planned ESIC on above to the listed directions is available.
On the basis of "The southern Kazakhstan research veterinary station" of Shymkent, according to the curriculum and the schedule students 1 and 2 courses undergo fact-finding and educational practice. Students of the 5th course go laboratory researches on discipline to «Nuray-5» LLP "Veterinary and sanitary examination".
In veterinary clinic Southern Kazakhstan the State University students take 3-4-5 courses a laboratory and practical training on disciplines "Internal noncontagious diseases of animals", "Veterinary surgery" and "Parasitology" where students not indifferently are engaged with animals and on the basis of ESIC receive professional skills and study problems of this area.
Results carried out practical and the labarotornykh of occupations, students and teachers have published joint publications in scientific magazines, and also results of researches have found reflections in degree and term papers.
Subjects of theses of students with the Scientific Research Works elements have received at the beginning of academic year, further together with heads have performed each part of the thesis on the schedule diagram of ESIC.