Achievement and prizes

Students are actively trained in academic mobility in the foreign Universities, for example: last academic year  students of the group AP - 15-2k2 Amangeldi N. N. and  AP-15-1Ra Abdinazarov B. M. were trained in Poland, Krakow agricultural University. Hugo Kollontay.

Student group AP-15-2к2 Amangeldy N. N was trained in Poland, Krakow agricultural University. Hugo Kollontay.

The student of the group AP-15-1 time Abdunazarov B. M. was trained in Poland, Krakow agricultural University. Hugo Kollontay.

Achievements of the "Agro-technology" department
During the reporting year, there has done a lot of work: carried out the annual and long-term plans of work of the department. Improved quality of the department, the proportion of teaching staffs’ degree was 62.5%. The department has 2 doctors and 13 candidates of sciences. Laboratories are equipped with the necessary equipment and appliances.
Teachers are actively engaged in scientific and methodical work. During the reporting period, the faculty of the Department published 2 textbooks, 48 ​​scientific articles, including those in national publications (KKSON) - 3, in the collections of the International scientific and practical conferences - 38, Inpak factor -5. In the international scientific-practical conference "Auezov readings" -12: "The role of regional university in the development of innovative directions of science education and culture" Surimbaeva K.A made presentation on the theme: "Biological characteristics of fruits and seeds of woad Boissier." At the conference, teachers of the department published 12 articles. Published 3 recommendations Surimbaevoy K.A on the arid fodder plants, of 24 pages. Under the guidance of the head of the department Elibaeva G.I the first time in 9 body established collection nursery of medicinal plants, planting fruit and vegetable crops, established gene pool of arid desert, forage plants.
According grant the Ministry of Agriculture "Improving the competitiveness of agricultural products, with the support of the World Bank" project application technology electro-stimulation  crops experiment was carried out in South Kazakhstan, Baydybek district, village "Akzhar" cooperative "Zarechny" on the theme: "Enhancing the productivity of crops and agricultural 20-30% efficiency. "

The training process uses active and interactive methods, new educational technologies are introduced, enhanced multimedia support. The department is actively used by TCO, computers, improved training and methodological support, operation of the module-rating system. Organization of educational and methodical work, CPC, manufacturing practices, state exams, work on the employment of graduates, research and NIRS, quality control of educational work with students daily and distance learning, improvement of professional skills, educational work, counseling, international cooperation complies with the requirements.
Department of Agro-technology Surimbaeva Kulaysha  Ph.D. the national program of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences "Golden Fund of Russian science" and in accordance with the "European scientific and industrial consortium" Commission decision on the awards, as well as to mark the approaching 20th anniversary of the Academy «PRIMUS INTER PARES- first among equals" was awarded  (№48. 0 June 9, 2014).


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