Scientists of the Agrarian Faculty took part in a meeting of the university trade union organization

On 19th of the February, 2024, the VII reporting and election conference of the primary trade union organization of employees of the South Kazakhstan University named after Mukhtar Auezov was held. The conference was also attended by the dean and teaching staff of the Agrarian Faculty.

The agenda contained a report on the work of the trade union committee, a report of the control and audit commission, elections of the chairman of the primary trade union organization, elections of the trade union committee and the audit commission.

With a report on the work of the trade union committee of the primary trade union organization of teachers and staff of SKU named after M. Auezov Chairman of the trade union committee Kuanysh Musabekov spoke about for 2019-2023. In his report, he presented the dynamics of increasing the efficiency of using trade union funds for socio-economic support of trade union members and conducting socio-cultural events of the university.

The conference participants highly appreciated the activities of the university trade union committee. By a unanimous decision of the conference participants, the chairman of the trade union organization of SKU named after M. Auezov Kuanysh Musabekov and the entire friendly team of trade union activists were elected for the next five-year term.


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