Academic mobility

Exchange links between universities for training under the academic mobility program.
In the 2022-2023 academic year, students of the Shakarim Semey University studying in the specialty "Veterinary Medicine" from 23.01 to 06/10/2023: Amangeldy Aherke, Kanagatovna Altynai.                      Order No. 62 s/k dated 01/20/2023
Students who came to the autumn semester of the 2023-2024 academic year in the specialty "Veterinary medicine" within the framework of internal academic mobility: in the group AP-20-8k1, 2 Akantayeva Karakat Yeratovna, Yerbolatova Akmaral Asylbekovna. Higher Education Institution of the National Academy of Sciences“Shakarim Semey University", Order No. 61 c/k dated 09/01/2023. (on a contractual basis on 01/15/2021).
Students who came to the spring semester of the 2023-2024 academic year in the specialty "Veterinary medicine" within the framework of internal academic mobility: in the AP-21-8k1 group Murat Dilnaz Dauletovna. CNS NAO "Shakarim Semey University", order dated 29.01 - 30.06.2024 (based on the agreement dated 15.01.2021).

2024-2025 academic year Astana named after S. Seifullinakazakhatu 02.09-31.01.2024-2025 These are our students studying at different levels. Adilbek Zhanelya Kadirbekovna, Beisenbai Aruzhan Daudzhanovna,Beisenbayeva Moldir Yerikovna 6b09111 – Veterinary medicine AP-21–8dk3tob, 4th year students. Order No. 1164 from 05.09-12/31/2024
Astana named after S. Seifullin Goose.ATU named after M. Auezov. Students.
The academic year 2024-2025 is Semey. Shakarimakazahatu 02.09-31.01.2024-2025. students studying at Dowletkhan Elvira Dauletkhanovna Zhanai Balzhan Eleusizovna, Kopzhasarova Nazgul Bekzatovna, Kairatovna Akerke, 6b09101–Veterinary Medicine b-202. 3rd year students. Order dated 02.09-31.12.2024
G. Semey im. Shakarima Katu is a student who studies.
2024-2025 Ural State Technical University named after Zhangir Khan 02.09-31.12.2024 student.Balam Urazova, Miras Utebayev, Nurken Yerbolatov, Eldos Moldir, Rakhat Shapagatov, Adina Baydullayeva, 6b09100-Veterinary Medicine B-202. 4-student course. Unified 02.09-12/31/2024 - university gas.makala = = site material = =
Students of Zhangir Khan ZKATU in Uralsk.


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