Educational work of the Department
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on educational work in the 2024-2025 academic year
The goal of the educational work of the Department of Veterinary Medicine is the development of youth policy, the creative potential of young people, the education of a "FULL-FLEDGED PERSON" following the example of the older generation and corresponding to the REQUIREMENTS of Abay Kunanbayev "DEMAND, WORK, DEEP THOUGHT, SATISFACTION, MERCY".
On August 31, 2024, at the council of the faculty named after M. Auezov for 2024-2025, an educational work plan was created and discussed, based on the educational work plan of the faculty, approved by the department of "Education and Youth Policy", comprehensive work was carried out in the areas indicated in the list below. Mentors and senior mentors were assigned to academic groups.
In particular:
1. Organizational work.
2. Civic consciousness – patriotic and legal education.
3. Spiritual and moral education.
4. Education in the professional and labor direction.
5. Formation of religious tolerance.
6. Formation of physical education and a healthy lifestyle.
7. Environmental education.
8. Development of intellectual and communicative culture.
9. Provision of cultural, aesthetic and multicultural education.
10. Development of the system of student self-government and youth initiatives.
1 Organizational work:
1.1 Organizational work;
Objective. M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University 4.0. adopted the model. According to the model, the university is an education provider, a researcher, a commercializer of knowledge, the formation of the spiritual and moral "FULL-FLEDGED HUMAN" personality of Abay. Increasing the effectiveness of educational work with students at the university. Achieving full results in educational work through ideological, propaganda and explanatory work.
During the academic year, at a meeting of the department, group mentors and mentoring hours for students of the department groups were approved. The department also created a schedule for checking educational work, monitoring and monitoring the progress of educational work carried out by mentors, a training plan, individual plans, a mentor's journal, mentor's hours are filled in according to the schedule.
The first-year students were congratulated by the dean, deputy deans, heads of departments, and group mentors on September 1, "Education Day", group mentors were presented, group leaders were appointed, the M. Auezov Code of Conduct "Education", the standard of anti-corruption actions, the general university introduced internal regulations.
Approval of mentors (order number 1, At the Department of Veterinary Medicineviewed) Protocol No. 1 of 28.08.2023
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Table 1 Information about academic groups, mentors, and students living in dormitories
№ |
Full-time student number of printers |
Number of mentors |
Number of groups |
Number of students staying in the hostel |
1 |
359 |
16 |
18 |
35 |
Table№2 Mentors of academic groups
1 |
Marzanova Zh.N. |
master |
AP-24-8k1 |
2 |
Orynbayeva B. M. |
master |
AP-24-8k2 |
3 |
Batkhieva G. |
master |
AP-24-8x |
4 |
G. Shatmanov |
senior lecturer |
AP-24- 8p |
5 |
Kuzerbaeva A. T. |
PhD Doctor |
AP-23-8k1 |
6 |
Sherimova S. K. |
PhD Doctor |
AP- 23-8k2 |
7 |
G. Shatmanov |
senior lecturer |
AP-23- 8p |
8 |
Kurbanova K. S. |
master |
AP- 22-8k1 |
9 |
Kalkaeva D. B. |
PhD Doctor |
AP-22-8tk |
10 |
Sherimova S. K. |
PhD Doctor |
AP-22-8A |
11 |
Sarybaev I. U. |
master |
AP-21-8k1 |
12 |
Erekbayeva R. Zh. |
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences |
AP- 21-8k2 |
13 |
Tulyshbay I. A. |
candidate of Technical Sciences |
AP- 21-8k3 |
14 |
Baizhanov K. S. |
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences |
AP-21-8tk |
15 |
Kurbankul N. N. |
master |
AP- 20-8k1 |
16 |
Kurbanova A. S. |
master |
AP-20-8k2 |
17 |
Kambarov A. A. |
master |
AP- 20-8k3 |
18 |
Nurkhodjaev N. O. |
master |
AP- 20-8p |
At our university Starting from the 2024-2025 academic year, the mentoring journal was switched to an electronic system. Each month, topics were given for 3 hours of mentoring for 1 course, 2 hours of mentoring for 2 courses, 2 hours of mentoring for 3 courses, and 1 hour of mentoring for 4-5 courses. Headlines in the electronic journal were displayed at the beginning of each month and uploaded to Google Classroom at the specified time. The protocol of uploaded mentoring hours and a social network post were uploaded by the group mentor to the Google Classroom system. In general, each mentoring hour spent was evaluated using a 100-point system, the protocol of the mentoring hour uploaded to the database was a maximum of 80%, and the link in the social network was a maximum of 20%, i.e. each hour of mentoring was evaluated within the educational department of our university.
1.2 information about students living in the hostel and information about events held in the hostel
Within the walls of the student hostel for students of the Faculty of Agriculture there is a program " the hostel is filled with bright moments in a small town-student life! "the main guests of the evening are students of the faculty and the dean of the facultyTastanbekova Gulnara Rakhimberdievna, heads of departmentsKuzerbayeva Aisuluturmakhanbetovna, Жылкибаев Асет Кенесбекович, Gulmira Kenzhaliyeva, Deputy Dean of Bagdat Begaliyev's education Departmenta rustle.
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Master's degree, senior lecturer of the department Kambarov A. A. held a round table with students living in 5 student dormitories, in order to form a good mood among students of the hostel on the topic "My profession is pride". The profession is an important part of the work activity, which is a source of elementary life and requires some training and responsibility. There are only two things you should never be wrong about in life. One of them is choosing a partner, and the other is choosing a profession. The reason they say this is because the profession you choose is your future. People should choose a profession according to their heart's desire. After all, the future of each person directly depends on the chosen profession. Only when you love and do your work with great responsibility, a person feels happy. Choosing a profession is a very responsible and important matter. In choosing a profession, each person should rely on their interests, abilities, inclinations, and desires. Currently, there are many types of professions. Making a choice is not easy. The main thing is that a person is able to work, attentive and that his profession makes an important, valuable contribution to the environment in which he grew up.
The first meeting of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, a student scientific circle, was held” Sunkar " in the new 2024-25 academic year. The meeting approved the chairman, Deputy chairman, secretary of the circle, and members of the Council.
Chairman of the Stambekova Zhanerke circle.
Deputy Chairman Toleuova Tomiris.
Elmira saylandyekbay, the academic secretary of the circle, was elected.
In addition, in the Majilis, the university management noted the events organized by students over the past academic year, and Professor of the Department I. A. Tutkushbay presented letters of gratitude to the members of the circle.
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1.3 information on the social status of students
In order to provide social assistance to orphaned students, disabled people, large families, and low-income families, a meeting was organized among 1st-year students.
List of students of the Department of Veterinary Medicine who received a discount on payment in the 2023-2024 academic year.
№ |
FCs |
Group |
What category do they belong to? |
Supporting documents |
Commission's decision |
1 |
Турганбек Айсултан Куатбекович |
AP-22-8k2 |
The student has a disability of 3 groups |
Disability of 3 groups |
- |
2 |
Rakhmatullina Ainur Azimkhanovna |
AP-21-8k1 |
The mother has a disability of 3 groups |
Disability of the mother of group 3 |
10 % |
3 |
Тайларбек Айтжан Казыбекович |
AP-21-8k1 |
My father has a disability of 3 groups |
Disability of the father of group 3 |
10 % |
4 |
Abdrakhman Ardak Ospanalievich |
AP-21-8k1 |
Large family |
Identifying family members 7 children 1 student, 2 children of school age, 1 child in kindergarten Determining income |
20% |
5 |
Zhusup Abylaikhan Talgatovich |
AP-23-8k2 |
Large family |
Identifying family members 4 children 1 student, 2 children of school age, 1 child in kindergarten Determining income
- |
6 |
Жолдасхан N. A. Ivanov |
AP-24- 8kc |
Large family |
Identifying family members 4 children 1 student, 2 children of school age, 1 child in kindergarten Determining income
30% |
7 |
Pernebec BalzhanRakhimzhandaughter |
AP-24- 8k2 |
Large family |
Identifying family members 4 children 1 student, 2 children of school age, 1 child in kindergarten Determining income
20% |
2Civil-patriotic and legal education:
Goal.Promotion of the idea of new Kazakhstan patriotism in educational work through the celebration of state socio-political events, anniversaries, formation of students ' active citizenship and legal position, anti-corruption culture. Strengthening the sense of respect for the national symbols of the country
2.1 event for students of the department to promote the Message of the Head of State K. Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan
All the projects announced today-plans for the development of the country's economy - were clearly studied and calculated.
We are developing our country, improving the welfare of the population, urgently radically revising and changing the entire economic system.
The main goal of the reform is to bring sustainable growth of our economy by 6-7 percent and by 2029 to increase the volume of the national economy by 2 times, that is, to bring it to 450 billion dollars. Of course, this is a large-scale and complex task. But we must fairly distribute the wealth and income of our country among our citizens.
In short, the benefits of economic growth should be seen by every citizen. This is a matter of principle.
If we want our country's future to be stable, we must fulfill this strategic task.
I constantly express my views on the development guidelines of our country. I want to say it again.
We know exactly what kind of country we will be in the future.
We will create a civilized country-a fair Kazakhstan that will allow everyone. We will be an effective state where law and order, mutual understanding, goodwill and responsibility are paramount. It is necessary to strictly stop any provocative actions that violate public order. Unfortunately, law enforcement agencies and heads of regions do not perform this work properly. In other words, the law does not ensure the rule of law. As a result, there are constant negative events in our society.
We should strive to become part of the modern open world through the development of culture, education, and science. Achieving the high goal we set for ourselves will not be easy. But if we start with the whole country,it's a man-made thing. The people, businesses and authorities should make every effort. Only then will we be able to radically change the current model of development of our state and overcome all obstacles.
In general, you can see that the situation in the world is complicated. All of humanity faces various challenges. Many countries are experiencing natural disasters, lack of electricity and food. According to experts, July of this year was the hottest month in the world's history. In many countries, inflation is rising and a costly disaster is occurring. Various confrontations and armed conflicts have developed between the States. The number of refugees has exceeded 110 million. All this is great for Kazakhstan. But we are not losing our bearings in an era of global panic.
Of course, our development path is not always smooth. No one comes from outside and decorates Kazakhstan. To do this, every citizen of the country must meet modern requirements. In general, our people should be united during such a crisis. There is no other way.
If we want to build a fair Kazakhstan, it is not enough to carry out political and economic reform. The main thing is to change the public consciousness and intentions of citizens. Without it, all other work is in vain. I clearly stated this at the second meeting of the National Kurultai.
The formation of a new quality of the nation is especially important for our country. Every citizen, especially young people, should instill the best qualities. All this together becomes a single public domain.
When everyone is patriotic, inquisitive, hardworking, disciplined, honest, fair, thrifty, and compassionate, there is no insurmountable pass. This is the essence of the concept of "honest citizen", which originates in Abai's teaching"full man".
I repeat once again: the concepts of a fair Kazakhstan and an honest citizen should always go hand in hand as a double value. In fact, where there is no honesty, there is never justice.
If every person is an honest citizen, whose deeds and words come from somewhere, justice will prevail.
Kazakhstan is our only homeland. Its foundation is strong, it is broad, and all four phenomena are in our hands. It is our filial duty to protect and develop the land that was inherited from our ancestors.
I call on every citizen of our country to be faithful to this sacred duty.
If we maintain the blessed unity, work hard, decorate our Homeland and pass it on to our descendants as a developed state, this is loyalty to the well-being of our ancestors!
2.2 Zhumat Shanin Shymkent City Academic Kazakh Drama Theater was visited by the team of AP-24-8k1 group and the mentor of the group Marzanova Zhanerke, which is a spiritual product, a step to culture, morality, a Golden bridge, the most important means of educating aesthetic morality and virtue.
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2.3 Dean of the" agrarian " Faculty G. TastanbekovaR., the teaching staff of the Department of Veterinary Medicine was developed on the basis of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" On Combating Corruption "and" Model Regulations on Anti-corruption Compliance services in quasi-public Sector Entities", approved by Order No. 112 of the Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 31.03.2023. drafts of several internal documents of the university. He noted that suggestions and opinions will be summarized.
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2.4 The Department of Veterinary Medicine organized an event dedicated to the Independence Day at the Faculty of “Agrarian”” Тәуелсіздік-тұғырлы тарих"!
December 16, 1991 is a milestone in our history. This is a great day when the primordial dream of becoming a sovereign country has become a reality.
Independence Day has a special meaning. It is our sacred duty to preserve forever in the memory of the country the children of the nation who are fighting for freedom. Their patriotism is always a role model for today's and future generations.
Independence is an invaluable asset. We should all keep this as the apple of our eye. Protecting the sovereignty of our state, the well – being of our country and the integrity of our land is a cherished duty of every citizen.
This matter-The AP-23-8k1, AP-24-8k1, and AP-24-8k2 groups actively participated in the event.
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2.8 «State symbols - national pride"our students took part in the action.
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19.12.2024 students of the Department of Veterinary Medicine regularly hold image events with major institutions and organizations of the region. One of them is the territorial inspection of the Committee of Veterinary Control and Supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the city of Shymkent, an event with the participation of the chief specialist of the state Veterinary and Sanitary Inspector Kegenbayev Galymzhan Akhmedovich. During the meeting, graduate students, in particular the AP-20-8k1, AP-20-8k2, AP-20-8k3, AP-20-8r groups, received answers to their questions and learned where in the future they will be able to work in their specialty after graduation, the advantages of their specialty.
19.12.2024 was determined at the third meeting of the National Kurultai of the head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev "Adal adam-Adal enbek-Adal tabys", held on March 15. "An honest person-honest work-honest success" are inseparable concepts. These three pillars are the key to becoming an advanced and successful country. Special attention should be paid to the education of children and young people, instilling these advanced values in them, " the head of state stressed. Explanatory work with students was carried out by the territorial inspection of the Committee of Veterinary Control and Supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Shymkent, chief specialist State Veterinary and Sanitary Inspector Zhalgasbek Saruarovich Tusekeyev, groups AP-20-8k1, AP-20-8k2, AP-20-8k3, AP-20-8k8r.