Research work, student research work
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Research work
Completed on research topics, initiative topics (in accordance with the university plan).
1. "GBNIR-21-04-07 " research and assessment of the current state of the level of water and land resources for the purpose of qualitative agricultural development in the southern region. Head: Associate professor Sultanbekova P. S. Start of work -02.01.2021
- the first stage is Chapter 1, the topic of which is: "introduction and application of water-saving technologies; rain and drip irrigation, repair of irrigation systems". Performers of the stage: Ph.D., Associate Professor Sultanbekova P. S., Kamshybaev a, Yesimov E, Baymakhanov K, Ongarova A. X, Uralsynovna M.
2. the amount of funding for research is 48,000,000 tenge.
026 according to the program competition of scientific projects "Innovative projects in the field of agro-industrial complex of the city of Shymkent"
"Innovative projects in the field of agro-industrial complex of the city of Shymkent" - 2 projects
1) Creation of an experimental image of universal multifunctional equipment (UMNO-4/1) and implementation in the agro-industrial complex of Shymkent in the field of agricultural engineering
Development of a prototype of a universal multifunctional hanging tool (UMNO-4/1). The project manager is Ph.D., Associate professor Manabaev N.T. (performer Sultanbekova P. S. Ph.D., Associate professor).
2) Introduction and expansion of a constructive two-row seedling machine of the domestic model RPM-2kz for planting seedlings of vegetable-berry crops with mulched soil and open ground by organizing their melkoserin production at the plant"KARLAKSRONA FD LC " Shymkent
LLP "Introduction and replication of the design of a suspended two-row planting machine of the domestic model RPM-2KZ for planting seedlings of vegetable-berry crops in mulched soils and open ground by organizing small-scale production at the plant of LLP"KARLAKSRONA FD LC" in Shymkent."
The project manager is Ph.D., Associate Professor Kalymbetov B. E. (performer Baymakhanov Ph.D., Associate professor).
3. works with the greatest scientific result
Publications published based on the results of research in 2019-2020 by the department:
3.1. in foreign rating publications (with an if greater than 0.25) - 4 articles
4 articles have been published in the Scopus database:
1. «Determination of working indicators of New Holland TS-5060 combine f or soy bean harvesting //IOP Publishing AGRITCH-V-2021 Series: Earth and Environmental Science 839 (2021) 052048, doi: 10.1088/17551315/839/5/052048
Authors: Sultanbekova P. S., Astanakulov K. D., Omirov A. T., Alpamysova G. B.
2.Ecological problems of the use of nitrogen fertilizers in rice farming "Soil-ecological problems of agrocenoses and ways to solve them" international material. scientific and practical conferences. June 3-4, 2021 Institute of Soils and Agrochemistry of Bread Azerbaijan, Baku. - pp. 159-162. ISBN 978- 9952-37- 6 97-5.....
Authors: Tautenov I. A., Ujuhu A. Ch., Bekzhanov S. Zh., Kultasov B. Sh.
3.ISSN 1755-1307 IOP Conference Series .Earth and environmental science AGRITECH-2021-9032 is included in the SCOPS and of Science database,percentile-17-20% impact factor 2.18 July 2021 64-72str. Development of a pneumatic drum-type seeding apparatus for two-row seeding soybean and mung bean/.K D Astanakulov1, K Baimakhanov3 B Ye G B Alpamyssova3 and A B Babajanov4
4.ISSN 1755-1307 IOP Conference Series .Earth and environmental science AGRITECH-2021-9032 is included in the SCOPS and of Science database,percentile-17-20% impact factor 2.18 July 2021 56-63str.
K D Astanakulov1, A D Rasulov2, K Baimakhanov3 Kh M Eshankulov4, A J Kurbanov5
3.2. in other journals
1) "breeding luxury fish with aquaponics" / Bulletin of General Science and Education - Republican Scientific Journal No. 3 (4/5) /Nursultan - 2021 (ISBN 978-9965-03-992-8), pp. 216-219.
Authors Sultanbekova P. S., Tulesh A., Abduova A.
"The influence of salinity of meadow-gray soils on the structure of productive crops"/material of the international scientific and methodological journal"Global scien ceandin novations 2021: central asia" - Cthbz" Ecology / Earth Sciences series. Nur-Sultan - No. 1 (12) February 2021-pp. 88-94
Author: Sultanbekova P. S., Dauletbayev B. U., Duanbekova A. E.
3) 1 article was prepared and published for the International Scientific and Practical Conference based on the proceedings of the Scientific collection INTERCONF (RSCI):
"Improving dam technology for irrigation carriers" - "the issue contains Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientificnorizon in the context of social crises" (6-8.02.2021) Tokio, Ja BIOGEOCHEMISTRY OF THE PLANT QUERCUS "Internauka": scientific journal - No. 42(218). Part 3. Moscow,
5) Publishing House "Internauka", 2021. - 100 P. Electron. version. pech. publ. – Gani Iztleuov
Aisulu Abduova,Aigul Dairabaeva,Gulaina Zhamanbalaeva
Naylya Zhorabaeva pan No. 41, pp. 978-985 author: Manabaev N., Abashev M., Begaliev B.
3.3. In republican rating publications –CCSON) - 2 articles
1. Journal "Bulletin of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University" (KKSON)
"Fundamentals and socio-economic results of the placement and development of agriculture in the southern region" / / Bulletin of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Republican Scientific and Methodological journal.- Series of Agricultural Sciences-No.3 (58) 2021 (ISSN 1607-2782), pp. 34-41.
Authors: Sultanbekova P. S., Yesimov E. Shayanbekova B., Omarov K., Bulanbayeva P. U.
6.3. in various publications - 3 articles
1.The scientific journal "Bulletin of Science of South Kazakhstan" published 1 article: "use of wind energy and electricity generation". Shymkent 2021 Author: Dauletbayev B. U., Meirbekova A. S.
2) INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL Published 2 articles from the journal dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayuly VOLUME VI NO.02 (FEBRUARY) 2021:
2.1) "the use of various plant designs for cleaning and improving the quality of sewage with the help of natural sorbents." Magazine dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayuly pp. 26-30 Author: Dauletbayev B. U Abashev M., Uralsynovna M.
2.2) "on the issue of degradation and restoration of the natural state of Lake Kyzylkol in the Suzak district of Turkestan region". The magazine dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayuly pp. 31-35 Author: Dauletbayev B. Yermakhanov N. K., Meirbekova A. S.
7. at the International Scientific and Practical Conference-12 articles
2 articles were prepared and published on the materials of the proceedings of the "ICITE - 2021" international scientific and practical conference:
1)" treatment of industrial wastewater by electrodialysis tecnologies " VIII international conference" Industrial technologies and engineering " ICITE - 2021, volume IV – /Shymkent, Kazakhstan November 10-11, 2021 pp. 49-53 author: Iztleuov G. Dairabayeva A.,. Iztleuova A.,. Zhanabalayeva G.
2) "Features of land as an object of poperty realationsrk" VIII international conference "Industrial technologies and engineering" ICITE-2021, volume IV - / Shymkent, Kazakhstan November 10-11, 2021 pp. 53-56
Author: Sultanbekova P. S., Iztleuov G., Ongarova A., Zhumataeva M., Esembai M.
3) collection of the international scientific and practical conference "Fundamentals of the use of collector-drainage water for irrigation"/L. E. Tazhibaeva, dedicated to the 105th anniversary of his birth//Almaty, March 11-12, - 2021, pp. 28-31, 1 session.
Author Sultanbekova P. S., Duanbekova A. E., Sarkynov E., Meshik O. P.
4) «Application of a mathematical model for regulating the ecological balance in an irrigated geosystem». VIII International annual conference «Industrial technologies and engeneering» ICITE – 2021. Shymkent. 10-11 November 2021. author: Baizhanova A. N., Dauletbayev B., Tolesh A.
5) ICITE-2021. International Conference of Industrial Technologies and Engineering 253-258str THE CUTTING PROCESS JF The REAPERWITHN SEGMENTED GUTTING DEVICE IN THE HARVESTING JF CERALS AND BEANS 3BAIMAKHANOV Kenzhamirza K D Astanakulov1 Makhmamurod
6). ICITE-2021. International Conference of Industrial Technologies and Engineering 190-193str ELECTROTECHNOLOGY JF INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY of TREATMENT OF DRINKING WATER A.S.Berdishev, 3Baimakhanov Kenzhamirza M.B.YESSEMBAY
7) the Problem Formation Of Medical Waste In Shymkent International Conference on Industrial Technologies and Engineering (ICITE-2020), 249-252 P, Shymkent,2021 author Gani M. Iztleuov, Aisulu A. Abduova
Nailya K. Zhorabaeva , Nurgul Zh. Ashitova , Zhamilya S. Sihimbaeva ,
8) Application of quercus plant to solve environmental problems
International Conference o f Industrial Technologies and Engineering (ICITE-2020),249-252 P, Shymkent,2021 author Iztleuov G.M., Dosbaeva A., Dairabaeva A., Zhamanbalaeva G.
9) Features of land as an object of property relations rk
International Conference o f Industrial Technologies and Engineering (ICITE-2020),249-252 p, Shymkent, 2021. author Zholdas E-HT-17-4tr, Iztleuov G.M. associate professor, Urazova Ulzhalgas2
10) Disposal chromium from waste water
«International Conference o f Industrial Technologies and Engineering (ICITE-2020),249-252 p, Shymkent,2021
Author Gani M. Iztleuov, Aidana M. Dosbaeva, Alya S. Taubaeva, Sagynysh S. Duisenova, Botagoz K. Asilbekova
11) development of technology for obtaining bio-pharma in independent Kazakhstan. International scientific and practical conference "Kazakhstan: values of independence and new frontiers of development in the XXI century " proceedings, Shymkent, 2021, 58 p. Gani M. Iztleuov
12) development of green transport in independent Kazakhstan.International scientific and practical conference "Kazakhstan: values of independence and new frontiers of development in the XXI century " proceedings, Shymkent, 2021, 58 p. Gani M. Iztleuov
10 articles were published in the proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference "Auezov readings - 19: 30 years of independent Kazakhstan