General Information.
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The history of the department
The history of the Department of Veterinary Medicine dates back to 2003. First, the Department of "Agrotechnology" was established, in 2005 it was divided into the department of "Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science", in 2011 - into the department of "Veterinary Medicine", in the 2014 academic year - into two departments: "Veterinary clinical diagnostics" and "Animal Pathology". In 2022, in order to reorganize the structure of the university, the Department of Veterinary Clinical Diagnostics and the Department of Animal Pathology were merged into the Department of Veterinary Medicine.
During the formation of the department, the following teaching staff: senior lecturer Sh. Karataev, who completed an internship at Xinjiang University of China, M. Ospanova, teacher T. Aidarbekov worked and made a great contribution to strengthening the material and technical base of the department.
Heads of departments in different years:
2003-2004 - B. Kozhaly
2004-2005 - N. Kupeshev.
2005-2007 - S. Zharasbayev
2007-2011 - B. Asylbekov
2011-2012 - M. Berdikulov
2013 - A. Mutaliev - Department of Veterinary Clinical Diagnostics
2014 - Turymbetov B.S. - Department of Animal Pathology
2014-2017 - Tulemetova S. E. - Department of Veterinary Clinical Diagnostics
2018 - Mambetova L. M. - Department of Veterinary Clinical Diagnostics
2018-2021 - Tutkyshbai I. A. - Department of Veterinary Clinical Diagnostics
2018-2022 - A. T. Kuzerbaeva - Department of Animal Pathology
2022 - A. T. Kuzerbaeva - Department of Veterinary Medicine
Currently, the department is headed by PhD doctor A. T. Kuzerbaeva.
The department teaches 3 doctors of Sciences, 6 candidates of Sciences, 3 PhD doctors, 12 Masters of Sciences. The lecture is given by scientists and specialists well-known in the republic and abroad. In particular, the holder of the state grant "The best university teacher", Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor B. K. Ilyasov; scholarship holder of the international program of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Bolashak”, Associate Professor, PhD I. A. Tutkyshbai.
The Department of Veterinary Medicine has very important and prestigious educational programs B083-group of educational programs: 6B09111-in veterinary medicine-identification, treatment, prevention of infectious, invasive and non-communicable diseases of animals, birds, fish and bees, as well as adapted to the modern labor market and competitive, highly qualified veterinary prepares specialists. The term of study is 5 years. The first graduation of specialists took place in 2008. Since the establishment of the department, more than 1,200 specialists have been trained.During this period, foreign students from China and Uzbekistan were trained.
To carry out the educational process, the department has the necessary technical base of educational and methodological materials. The department has laboratories "morphology and anatomy of animals", "biochemistry and physiology of animals", "veterinary microbiology and virology", "veterinary pharmacology and toxicology", "veterinary sanitary examination" and "veterinary educational clinic". All disciplines are taught in Kazakh, Russian, and English.
The total area of the Department of Veterinary Medicine is 321 sq. m. Of which 120.75 square meters are 3 classrooms and 200.25 square meters are 4 laboratories. They are equipped with modern laboratory devices: i-160 Mi laboratory ionomer, electronic analytical scales and analytical scales RA-214"Ohaus", centrifuge Liston C 2204, microscope Biomed 10, trichineloscope 454B 2M, drying cabinets, muffle furnaces, aquadistillator, orbital shaker, interactive whiteboards, computers, etc. 205,112 classrooms and 115 The laboratories are equipped with an interactive whiteboard. "Veterinary training clinic " with a total area of 180 square meters, equipped with vivariums. In order to conduct classes in an interactive way, familiarization with virtual laboratory work, showing video lectures, viewing e-books, demonstrating presentation materials, displaying multimedia files on a large screen are widely used.
The teaching staff of the department has been trained in foreign veterinary educational institutions for advanced training in different years. In particular, with the international program of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Bolashak” Associate professor, PhD I. A. Tutkyshbai in Germany in 2011: senior teachers Abdykarimova, Kurbanova France. Toulouse Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine. 2015
As a result of the research work, the scientists of the department: 1–patent, 6-innovative patent, 2-Author's witness, 6-recommendation. Over the years, the teaching staff has published 4 monographs; 6 textbooks; 8 textbooks stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and prepared 16 textbooks and manuals in Kazakh and Russian. A patent has been developed and obtained for a joint vaccination/ vaccine/ against diseases of bovine taileriosis and pyroplasmosis, SR - antigen for bovine jaundice. These drugs were put into production under the program 019 of the administration of the South Kazakhstan region.
In order to improve the quality of education and the correct passage of all production and practical practices, the department has concluded contracts with the following institutions:
1. Committee of Veterinary Control and Supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Southern regional branch "Republican Veterinary Laboratory" ;
2. The branch of "YUKNIVS " of the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine.
3. GKP "Veterinary service of Shymkent city and Turkestan region";
4. Laboratory of veterinary and sanitary expertise of Nur-Ai-5 LLP, Shymkent.