General information

 The purpose of the educational program "Technology of production of livestock products" is to prepare competitive specialists of livestock producers in accordance with the strategy of the university and the agrofood policy of the state on the sustainable development of agricultural production.
To date, the faculty of the department "Technology of animal products" has 12 specialists, including 4 professors-doctors of sciences, 1 PhD doctor, 5 candidates of sciences and 1 teacher-master of sciences.
As a result of the establishment and strengthening of international relations, students of the department have the opportunity to listen to lectures of foreign scholars, such as Thomas Moren from Germany, Y. Yuldashbaev, A. Buryakova from Russia, K. Aytkulov from Kyrgyzstan.
At the department for the passage of educational and professional practices, conducting research projects created the base with all the necessary conditions.
Total graduates of the department for the period of work - 490 people, most of whom are holders of state grants. The number of full-time students in 2018-2019. is 126 students. The objects of professional activity of a specialist are livestock farms, complexes, poultry farms, hippodromes, breeding factories, breeding farms, zoos, research laboratories, reserves, production cooperatives, limited partnerships, farm collective farms, livestock companies, vocational schools, etc. ; all types of farm animals, domestic and game animals, birds, fish, bees, animals.






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160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


(8-725-2) 40-08-99

(8-725-2) 27-38-52


Chancellery(8-725-2) 21-01-41

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