Domestic partners, practical training bases, training scientific industrial complexes

The practice-oriented approach of the educational program in the  educational process solves the main task of training future specialists - the creation of conditions for the development of a person’s professional competence. For this purpose, professional practice of students is organized in large agricultural enterprises of the region, with which agreements have been signed for students to undergo practical training. So, there are agreements on conducting practice at Shymkent-Kus LLP, Ordabasy-Kus LLP, Ortai Farm, Seraly Farm, etc. The professional practice takes place on all courses of study and allows you to consolidate the knowledge gained in the study of disciplines , acquire practical skills.
A significant role in the implementation of the practice-oriented approach is played by the UNPK. The department "Technology of Livestock Products" has concluded an agreement on the creation of a UNPK with SPMK Zhanatalap LLP and Seraly Farm. The specialist of SPMK Zhanatalap LLP is in the staff of the department (0.25 rates). In the framework of the agreement on the establishment of the UNPK, classes are held, professional practice, and the thesis are carried out.
On the basis of the UNPK (SPMK Zhanatalap LLP, Seraly Farm), the department in the framework of the practice-oriented approach carries out the following types of work: lecturing, management of diploma works, issuance of guidelines, seminars, meetings with organizations, etc.


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