Research work, student research work

The generally accepted world trend of modern higher education is the obligatory support of the educational process with scientific research, as well as the close connection of universities, research institutes and business communities.
According to the result of scientific research, the scientists of the department published textbooks and monographs published:
1. Tenlibaeva A.S., Makhatova I.A., Abdualieva A.A., Toltebaeva Zh.D. for students 5В080200- "ТППЖ" study guide (translation), for the discipline "Feeding of farm animals" "My wife does not have a good sense", 2017. 192 pp.
2. T. Janseitov. Summaries of the lecture “The back of the line”. Shymkent SKSU. 2018 85 p.
3. Tenlibaeva A.S. Textbook. "Auylsharuashylyқ zhanuarlaryn azyқtandyru" Shymkent. SKSU. 2017 150 pages
4. Asylbekov B.ZH. Textbook. "Sank Onіmderіn Unіru technologies" Shymkent. SKSU. 2016 96 pages
5. Ermekbayeva R.Zh. Textbook "Zoology" Shymkent. SKSU. 2016 86 pp.
6. Fayzullaeva L.A. Textbook "Small shikіzatyn alғashқy өңdeu technologies". Shymkent SKSU. 2016 166 pp.
7. Doshanov D.A. Tutorial. "Thay sharuashylyғy." Shymkent SKSU. 2017 130 pages
8. Kanseitov T. Textbook. "Karakul production with the basics of smear science". St. Petersburg, Moscow, Krasnodar, 2017 264 p.
9. Kanseitov T. The manual "Dictionary-reference book on selection technology". Shymkent 2018 324 pages





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