Merits and achievements

The educational program of the specialty is carried out on 2 paths:
1. Technology of  production of promising livestock industries
2. Technology of production of poultry products, beekeeping and aquaculture.

The faculty of the faculty is 91.2%.
In the ranking of specialties of the Republic of Kazakhstan specialty 5B080200 - "Technology of production of livestock products" SKSU im.M.Auezova ranks third in the IAAR and 5th place - in NAOCO.
For the indicated period, the teachers of the department studied abroad and received a foreign certificate of education, such as:
1. Doshanov D.A. - July 2014, under the program "Bolashak" at the Moscow State Agrarian University. KA Timiryazov (Moscow).
2. Tenlibayeva A.S. - a course of advanced training of top managers in Astana “Nazarbayev University”. Certificate (No. 40211 dated November 6, 2016, Düsseldorf, Germany).

3. Zhylkybayev AK - a course of advanced training for top managers in Astana “Nazarbayev University” Certificate (No. 40217 dated November 6, 2016, Düsseldorf, Germany).
Students of the AP-17-7k1 group participated in the VI-National Scientific Olympiad organized in KazNAU won the 2nd place among students of 1-4 courses. Also, students are actively studying for academic mobility both in foreign and in universities of our republic, for example, in the 2017-2018 academic year, student AP-17-7k1 Akzhol A. studied in Poland, Shetsin, West Pomeranian Technological University , student of the group AP-17-7k1 Turar B. studied at the University KazATU them. S.Seifulin Astana, a student of the AP-17-7k2 group of Karatay A. - at the West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangirkhan of Uralsk. student groups Saparaly A., Abuziyarova E. AP-15-7r studied in Poland, Krakow Agricultural University. Hugo Collantay.

students of the group AP-17-7k2 Nurgali Diana, Zhamalbekova Ramina are trained in Poland, Krakow Agricultural University. Hugo Collantay. (2019, IV semester)




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