Achievement and prizes
- Hits: 619
In 2018-2019, the Department of" Agrotechnology " published 89 scientific articles , articles with an Impact factor of 0.720 and SCOHUS-1, collections of articles of the Higher Attestation Commission in the scientific journal -4, at conferences-84, including at international conferences of the Republic of Kazakhstan-13, in countries of near and far abroad-17, at regional conferences-54.
The head of the department, G. I. Yelibaeva, was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for special services in the field of education. Senior teacher R. O. Zhumabayeva was awarded the Diploma of the Akim of the Turkestan region for her services in the field of education. Professor B. O. Raisov and Head of the Department G. I. Yelibaeva were awarded a medal dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the M. Auezov SKSU.
Professor Raisov B. O. at the XI Republican student subject Olympiad in the Kazakh National Agrarian University in April brought 2 teams in the specialties 5b080100-Agronomy and 5b080800-soil science and agrochemistry. As a result, Abdukhaymova Sh. N. was awarded a diploma of the III degree, two teams were awarded letters of thanks for participating in the subject Olympiad. The Dean's Office of the Faculty of Agrobiology presented our students with letters of thanks for their good results .
In 2020, the Department of Plant and Animal Husbandry conducted research on four state budget topics:
1. Creation of nurseries for the cultivation of seedlings and saplings of ornamental and medicinal trees to increase the productivity and energy efficiency of forest farms in the South Kazakhstan region. Scientific leaders: Elibayeva G. I., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Surimbayeva G., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Jamalova G. T., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Kusherbayeva S. Sh., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Performers: Alimbekova N., Kurmanova H., Esembekova G., Saparbekova P., Alagozova S.
2. Development of technology for increasing the productivity of domestic cotton varieties on the irrigated lands of South Kazakhstan. Scientific leaders: Yusupov Sh. K. s. h. n., Raisov B. O., d. s. h. n. Performers:Esengeldieva L. K. S. kh. n., Abishova G., Seitkazy G. S., Alimbekova N., Tuimebayeva B.
3. Creation of a sorghum collection and cultivation technology to increase the productivity and energy efficiency of agricultural production in the irrigated lands of South Kazakhstan. Scientific Supervisors:Raisov B. O., D. S. H. N., Yusupov Sh., K. S. H. N. Performers: Murzabaev B. A., K. S. H. N., Esengeldieva L. K. S. H. N., Abishova G., Seitkazy G. S., Alimbekova N., Tuimebayeva B., Iztileuova A., Akhmetova A.
4. Development ресурсосберегащейтехнологиивозделываниякормовыхкультурнаорошаемыхземляхЮжногоКазахстанаНаучныеруководители:Sydyk D., D. S. kh. n., Raisov B. O., D. S. kh. n. Performers: Batyr E., Kerimbekova Zh., Erkeeva T. B., Izbaeva B. M., Makhanova U.M.
Publication of scientific articles based on research results
Number of publications for 2020-31: at conferences -22: including International conferences of the Republic of Kazakhstan-22, in journals with an impact factor (0.100) - 1, Republican journals (HAC) - 8 .
2020-2021 year
“Student scientific and practical conference of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.А. Nazarbayeva: "30 years of creativity and accelerated development" South Kazakhstan University - XIV - "took the places
1.I - Zhursinbek B
2.II - Saydazimov A
3. II - Khalyқ A
4.III - Ogalbai E
5. III - Sansyzbay A oryndaryn Ielendі.
6. Nomination "Zhas Kalym" - Alil A
7. Nomination "Izdenpaz student" - Keges B.
8. Nomination "Belsendi student" - Babanazar B
At the XXIV student scientific conference "Youth of the eternal country - the guarantee of independence"
1. I - Begalieva A.
2.II - Sultangali A.
3.II - құlіқұl A.
4.III - Ergeshbaeva L.
5.III - Akylbek D
6. III - Nurkazieva B.
7. Nomination "Zhas Kalym" - Alipbek A, Saymasay S., Lespek M.A.
8. Nomination "Izdenpaz student" - M. Dauyl
9. Nomination "Belsendi student" - Sydyk D
10. Nomination "E uzdik bayandamashy" - Zhursinbek
In April 2021 in the XIII Republican Student Subject Olympiad, which took place at KazNAU, students of the Department of Crop and Livestock Production of the Agrarian Faculty of the University. M. Auezov. Among them were students of agronomy, Bolat Nazerke, Sunkarbek Botagoz, Ergeshbaeva Laila, supervisor, senior teacher B. Absatova, were awarded a letter of thanks. The third place was taken by Laila Ergeshbaeva.
In April 2021 in the XIII Republican Student Subject Olympiad, which took place at KazNAU, students of the Department of Crop and Livestock Production of the Agrarian Faculty of the University. M. Auezov. Among them were students of agronomy, Imamova Oғlay, Bekzatkhan Balnur, Oral Perizat, teacher, teacher P. Saparbekova, were awarded a letter of thanks. The third place was taken by Imamova Oglai
In the National Republican Internet Olympiad in Biology, which was held in March in Nur-Sultan under the guidance of teachers of the Department of Plant and Animal Breeding of the Agrarian Faculty of the University. M. Auezov, the following students took part:
1. Melissa Rashidova head Absatova B.A II place
2. Stephania Shapovalova head Batyr E.E II place
3. Yesenia Martyanova head B. Absatova II place
4.Maliya Zenchik head Batyr E.E. II place
In the International Scientific Competition of Young Scientists for Schoolchildren, Students, Young Scientists and Young Researchers under the guidance of teachers of the Department of Plant Growing and Animal Husbandry of the Agrarian University. M. Auezov was attended by the following students:
1.Ulipbek Arailym head master of ogytushy Saparbekova P.E II place
2. Lesbek Madiyar head b.ғ.k associate professor Elibayeva G. And II place
3.Saimasai Sabina head of aa ogytushy Daurenbekov X II place
4.Aқylbek Dayana head of the b.ғ.k aa ogytushy Dzhamalova G.T II place
Teaching staff, students participate in research competitions. Akylbek Daya, a 12th grade student of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology of the city of Shymkent, took part in the XXIII Republican Student Scientific Conference on the natural, technical, social, humanitarian and economic sciences on the topic "SCIENTIFIC VIEWS OF YOUTH ON MODERN GLOBAL PROBLEMS." Topic: Echinacea purpurea Moench Morphobiological and diagnostic features. Scientific adviser: senior teacher Dzhamalova G.T. Awarded with a diploma and a diploma for participation in the competition. 11.12.2020
The event was attended by teachers of the Department of Plant and Animal Breeding. List of teachers and students who took part in the competition “100 NEW NAMES of the University. M. Auezov "teacher Aitbaeva A.S., teacher Saparkhanova A.B., teacher Asanbek B.A., teacher Saparbekova P.E., highly qualified specialist Tagay G.M., Zhursinbek B. AP-19-1dk1, Nurgazieva B. AP-19-1dk2, Bazaraly A. AP-19-1dk4, Orynbai A. AP-19-1dk4, Ergalieva A. AP-19-2k, Begalieva A. AP-18-1dk1, Koldasova M. AP-18 -1dk1, Saidazimov A. AP-20-1k, Igenbek S. AP-20-9k, Orazalieva A. AP-20-9. These teachers and students were awarded certificates.
The University of Spiritual Revival and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, organized by the University "SHYMKENT HISTORY OF A MILLENNIUM AND MODERNITY", a team with the students of "Azalia" was created, head Aitbaeva A.S., captain: Bazaraly AP-19-1dk4, Babanazar B AP-19-1dk1, Nurgazieva B. -19-1dk2 group. Students took 3rd place. The team was awarded with a Diploma.
International academic mobility of students at the Department of "Crop and Livestock Production" is one of the main conditions for the formation of high-class modern specialists who are competitive in the domestic and international labor market.
The goals of academic mobility are learning, exchange of experience, improvement of the quality of scientific research, transformation in the academic environment and study of the culture and traditions of other countries, as well as the exchange of experiences by universities within Kazakhstan.
External academic mobility programs - training of students in foreign universities, as well as the work of research teachers in foreign educational or scientific institutions. According to this program, students of the Department of "Crop Production and Animal Husbandry" AkramovaGauharShukhratovna, Nurgali Diana and ZhamalbekovaRaminaSyrymovna studied at the Krakow Agricultural University in Poland according to the order of the rector of our university No. 787 of 26.12 2018.
Internal academic mobility programs - training of students, as well as the work of research teachers in leading Kazakh universities. According to this program, students of the Department of "Crop Production and Animal Husbandry" Nurgali Diana and TolbasyAzylzatAskerbekkyzy, majoring in 5B080200 "Technology of animal products production", were trained at the Almaty Technological University in accordance with Order No. 13 of 14.01.2020.
Students of the department constantly participated in various seminars, meetings and other events to increase the mobile activity of students. Work continued on concluding contracts and establishing relations with universities in the near and far abroad in the field of science, teaching special disciplines and practices.
D. Nurgali and R. Zhamalbekova in Poland
Tolbasy A and Nurgali D, while studying for academic mobility, participated in a seminar on sheep breeding in the Almaty region.
Auezovuniversity Summer University 2021!!!
The opening of Auezov University Summer University 2021: "Modern trends in agriculture" was held, which was attended by: Abisheva R. D.-Vice-rector of the NAO YUU named after M. Auezov for academic and methodological work; Yelibaeva G. I.-Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor.
Goal: to unite the efforts of various scientific schools and educational institutions in promoting new knowledge in innovative technologies.
leading professors and specialists in the field of
* Agronomy;
* Soil science and agrochemistry;
* Fruit and Vegetable Growing;
* Technology of production of animal products;
* Veterinary medicine ;
• Water resources and water use;
* Agricultural machinery and technology;
* Ground device;
* Cadastre;
* Plant protection and quarantine;
leading research centers and educational institutions in Europe and Asia will present reviews on current scientific and applied areas in the field of sustainable development of science, business and production.